30 funny shots with great danes - giants among dogs (31 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
17 March 2023

Great Danes are real giants among dogs. Their growth at the withers can be up to 90 cm, and weight - 90 kg. But despite their size, they are gentle and cheerful kind people who are sincerely devoted to their owners. Therefore, for their behavior is extremely interesting to watch! Let's look at funny and the cutest shots with representatives of this breed.

When you think you're safe

"Our beauty is always cold at home in winter. We sewed a personal pajama for her"

Great babysitter for kittens

Grandmother and granddaughter

That's how elegant they sleep

Getting to know the little man

"Our favorite photo. Great Danes are an amazing breed"

melted down

Some have grown up a little.

Best friends

Long boy

Looks like it's time to buy a new bed

An endless variety of sleeping positions

"Man, wake up!"

The boy is just walking his dog. Or the dog walks him

When you find yourself in a collar and rethink your life

Walk in a suit

"He has grown faster in 8 months than I have in 29 years"

"I just took him in for a routine checkup at the vet"

"Will you have something to eat?"

K - comfort

There is never too much Great Dane

Year difference

There are no other people's children!

This is Love

Free pass

Why not sit on the hosts


"I'll sit here, do you mind?"

When your best friend is the size of your paw

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