Fear and trash: 16 funny photos of people taken during a roller coaster ride (17 photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 16
9 March 2023

Some people can't live without adrenaline in their lives and are constantly on the lookout for it. Amusement parks help them with this, where there are always slides for those who love everything dangerous, fast and dizzying.

And if these places fill the brave with energy, then the cowards On the contrary, they vow never to return there again. In general, in places clusters of attractions can be found both very joyful and up to horror frightened comrades.

1. It seems that the girl clearly regrets her decision to ride

2. There is no more foot

3. A guy's face perfectly describes his emotions.

4. When there is no one to hug, you have to hug yourself

5. The whole range of emotions

6. The father just took the children for company

7. On the hill, someone dropped the keys, and the guy caught them.

8. There is a children's slide, they said.

I'm afraid of heights. I'm afraid of rollercoasters. And these bastards not only dragged me up the hills, they also took this picture bought! As you can see from the photo, I liked it.

9. A boy in everyday life and on a roller coaster

10. Not impressed

11. Should have chosen a ferris wheel

12. 74-year-old grandfather on a roller coaster

13. You can immediately see who likes to ride the slides and who does not.

14. Loss

A few years ago my brother lost his phone on rollercoaster. We thought we would never know exactly when he lost. And then we saw the photos.

15. Not a trip, but a horror story for children

16. Honey, smile!

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