Thank you people: 30 touching photos of cats before and after rescue (31 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
9 March 2023

Stories of homeless animals finding loving owners always touches the soul. Kind people show such animals what true love, and that the world is not so cruel and unfair. Community BeforeNAfterAdoption collects examples showing what it can do love and care. Let's look at the most touching photos of rescued cats before and after being picked up on the street.

"When she wandered the streets 2 years ago, people walked past her. Now everyone around admires her beauty!"

The difference between the photos is 3 years

This baby was picked up at the bus stop

Transformation after a year of love and care

Rescued kitten after a few months in a loving home

Two brothers rescued from the street

"I found him in the snow in a terrible state. Now he is my sweet boy."

Before and after rescue. 2 years difference

"Five years ago I fed a stray kitten and he followed me"

13 year old cat rescued from irresponsible people

Transformation of a kitten found in the parking lot

"He just showed up at our door and demanded to be petted"

Rescued baby grew up

"Got that kid out of the vending machine"

"When we rescued her, she was shaking with fear and trying to burrow into my hands. A month later, this cute creature climbs into sink to greet us, and constantly asks for affection"

This baby lost his mother, but was full of the will to live. He was It's only been a week since he was picked up. Here's how he changed

This 7-month-old cat was picked up near the store. We went out courted, decided to leave - and that's what a handsome man he turned into

Gorgeous transformation!

The kid was fading before our eyes, but he was given a new life

"She came into our yard, thin, haggard and shabby. After several visits to the vet and a couple of months of care, we officially became its owners

This gentleman also found a home

Two kittens were rescued from the street together. Now they have a loving home

"Saw him on my way to work and couldn't get past him"

Stray pregnant cat found a home with the kids

Special cat named Potato three months after being rescued

"The baby herself went to the shelter where I work. Now we are together"

When this baby was picked up, he was completely covered with scabies. What a handsome man has grown

It's good to have people who love you

6 months difference

Before and after rescue

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