Who dared, he sat down: the story of the cursed executioner chair (7 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
9 March 2023

Somehow, back in 1702, one criminal was judged - Thomas Busby. The guy distinguished himself in a fight, overzealous with henchmen means and killed a man.

By that time, the only just person was brought to the guilty the sentence is death. Whether Tom was not guilty, or guilty, but not very. But for some reason, the guy got angry and in the last word he said, that anyone who dares to sit on his favorite chair in his favorite bar, where he whiled away the time with a glass of alcohol, will be doomed to death.

Cursed Tommy piece of furniture and with a sense of accomplishment debt departed for the next world by hanging. As long as the memory of curse - 10 years, no one was willing. And the bar stool went on be empty. Until the chimney sweep decided to rest on it, which is just completed labor exploits and decided to pass the time with a glass. backstories the master of purity did not know.

Just nothing passed, like a chimney sweep, distinguished by dexterity, tripped and fell off the roof. The man could not be saved. But the history of curse received a new round: bloodthirsty furniture dealt with victim and froze in anticipation of the next.

Black PR is also PR. Those who wanted to stare reached out to the bar on the damn thing. And the institution was even given a new apt name - "Stooping Busby".

The daredevils, who did not believe in mysticism, decided by their example to prove that all these horror stories and urban legends are complete nonsense. AND filled with a sense of courage, boldly placed the sirloin on the seat. And all, as one, soon departed for a better world.

In 1967, two pilots who had seen everyone on their way, took turns sitting on the Busby chair. And they died as soon as they left bara - crashed into a tree by a car.

In the same year, one person decided to destroy the legend of the executioner chair. sergeant. The failed destroyer died of an unknown disease after three days. At the same time, the man was distinguished by good health and well-behaved. felt.

After 6 years, the chair dealt with another victim - a young builder who, after a moment's respite, rolled off the roof and died. The cleaner also left for the other world, sitting only on the edge of the chair. A couple of weeks later, the woman's life was cut short by oncology.

The list of victims of the killer chair grew. Some have been deliberately try fate. Others did not know about the legend and took the local attraction by chance.

Attempts to sanctify the fiend were unsuccessful. The penultimate victim was an accountant - a tourist from the United States. The woman at the end vacation decided to sit on a chair so that there was something to show off to friends. It didn’t happen to brag: on the same day she died due to a cable break in hotel elevator.

Completed the list, which includes about 65 people, another brave American. A few hours later, she was attacked by a pack of aggressive stray dogs and bitten to death.

The authorities decided to put an end to this lawlessness, because history has gone too far. The chair was taken to the museum. Now on dangerous the exhibit can only be admired from below: it hangs almost under ceiling (it is possible that he is plotting something), and empirically verify lethality, alas, is impossible.

9 March 2023
Чому цей стілець ніхто не додумався спалити? Це ж просто.
11 March 2023
Тому що стілець заманював в генделик клієнтів и приносив гроші.
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