In Baltimore, a car thief escaping from a chase had an accident and demolished a dilapidated house

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
7 March 2023

At the same time, the police are now also under investigation.

The incident occurred on February 8, but the record was made public only now. Sean Lee, 33, stole the Sonata and tried to escape from the police. However, at the intersection, he hit another car, dragged it to the curb and crashed into a dilapidated building, which literally crumbled, filling up both cars with bricks. The most tragic thing is that an innocent 54-year-old man, who was walking along the sidewalk at the time of the accident, died. A total of 5 people were injured. The offender and the driver of the second car are still in the hospital.

It is noteworthy that the relatives of the deceased pedestrian blame the police for everything. By law, local cops are prohibited from prosecuting suspected property offenders, which include car theft. Chases are only allowed if the perpetrator is dangerous or has committed a serious crime such as armed robbery or murder. The police, for their part, claim that when the hijacker accelerated, they decided to let him go, but it was too late - a few seconds later he had an accident.

One way or another, the officers involved in the incident are now under investigation by the Independent Investigation Department of the Attorney General.

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8 March 2023
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