10 of the most terrible insects in Australia, which should be avoided (11 photos)

Category: Nature, PEGI 16
6 March 2023

If you love animals and want to see a variety of fauna - Definitely a must go to Australia! The country surprises not only with the abundance unusual animals and sheep (by the way, in Australia lives 3.3 times more sheep than people), but also terrible insects.

This amazing continent amazes with the beauty of natural places. and sights, but in order to see all this, you need to prepare always be on the alert, because in Australia there are many poisonous and dangerous insects.

Biter mosquito, redback spider and others may appear very harmless, but it’s better not to meet them ... In the article we will learn about insects, considered the most terrible in Australia.

10. Burnt-footed Frin

You may have seen such a spider in Harry Potter - it looks like creepy, you don’t want to hold this in your hands, as some do on photo. The spider is actually not as scary as it seems - it scares only appearance, but it does not pose a danger to humans. IN In case of danger, the bug-footed Frin freezes or runs away.

Phrynes differ in the number of legs - ordinary spiders have 8, and there are 6 of them. uses them as grasping limbs to catch prey. Spiders live in tropical and subtropical countries. Due to the unusual appearance, many tales have been written about them by American and European writers.

9. Weaver spider

In 2019, scientists discovered a new species of spider, the weaver spider. preferring to hit prey right in the air. For this he uses the threads of the web. At first glance, the spider looks cute, but usual has a number of differences. For example, instead of waiting, it uses web to make an impromptu slingshot out of it, while he himself acts in the role of a gunner, hitting insects right in the air.

To observe the weaver spider, scientists used high quality cameras - they found that it stretches the threads cobwebs, using your body as a bridge between the threads so that they stayed taut for hours. When the victim touches the web - the spider releases its grip, and the web wraps around it from all sides.

8 Sydney Funnel Spider

Another name for Atrax robustus. Today this spider is the most poisonous, they are afraid to meet him. It lives only in Australia for about 160 km from Sydney. It has not been seen in other areas. poison sydney funnel spider can be dangerous for both insects and of people.

Since an antidote was created for the poison of this spider in 1981 year, fatal cases from a bite stopped. funnel sydney the spider has large fangs - females are even larger than males, which causes subcutaneous fear of the sight. What is curious - the silk of this spider is useful in production - sights in optics are made from it.

7 Red Fire Ant

He is Solenopsis invicta. According to scientists, for the first time spotted in Australia in 2001 and became a real disaster for the flora and inhabitants of the continent. Possessing poison, the red fire ant can lead to death, especially the consequences cannot be avoided allergy sufferers. It is also dangerous for animals - attacking them with a whole colony, ants blind and destroy the victim.

Despite the harmless appearance (no more than 6 mm in length), red The fire ant is very aggressive, has a strong sting. Painful solenopsin is injected into the body of the victim with bites - it feels like a body put out the match. Mankind is trying to fight this type of insect - in In the 20th century, they tried to use chemicals, but it turned out that they were dangerous for birds and people.

6. Scolopendra

Scolopendra is an insect that terrifies everyone, not I want to meet her! Australian centipedes - the largest, length their bodies can reach 15 cm. The insect not only looks intimidating, but also toxic in the literal sense - biting, scolopendra causes severe pain that lasts for several days.

But it is unlikely that it can lead to death - for only one case of death from a scolopendra bite has been identified throughout history. The centipede is scary because it moves quickly - it is difficult to catch it. Likes wet and cool areas, common in all areas of the Earth, where eube suitable conditions.

5. Mosquito Biter

Mosquitoes are everywhere, but not all of them are harmless, leaving only bites on the body. Some are carriers infectious diseases. The bite mosquito is a carrier of dirofilariasis and West Nile fever. Even if the mosquito is not infected, there is a danger that on contact with the skin it will cause inflammation or allergies.

The biter mosquito includes 700 species - representatives groups are found everywhere, including in regions with cold climates. Outwardly, it looks interesting: there are white stripes on the body, the mosquito has scaly wings. The body length does not exceed 7 mm, the abdomen is elongated, and the legs end in claws.

4. Bush mite

Everyone knows - if you meet with ticks, expect trouble. Just so don't get rid of them! But the bush mite is worse than the rest types. It parasitizes on the bodies of animals. To find a victim bush mite crawls on leaves. It is worth touching an insect the skin of some animal, as he instantly plunges into it and starts sucking blood.

Often, ticks go unnoticed on the body, because they hide in the armpits, on the head and even in the crotch, and their bites are almost painless. If bitten by a bush mite, nausea occurs, sore throat and fever. Some have a strong allergic reaction.

3 Black Ant Bulldog

The world of insects is huge, how much we do not notice, despite under your feet, and sometimes it threatens our safety! Black Ant Bulldog - the brightest and most popular in Australia, but to notice it almost impossible. For existence, the ant creates an underground anthill, where is hiding.

The black bulldog ant is more aggressive than other species - it can use your sting, and if it bites a person with an allergy, then this may result in death. Often with black ants faced by Australian residents during outdoor recreation - in local stores even offer sprays and special suits for safety.

2 Redback Spider

Outwardly, this spider, of course, looks intimidating - it seems that he is capable of posing a serious threat. Is it so? In fact a redback spider can only bite defensively if not touch, then this is quite a cute creature. The spider has a second name - Australian widow, was introduced to the continent by accident during transportation of grapes.

Redback spiders prefer to hide from adverse conditions, so they often crawl into the premises. From other spider species are distinguished by the presence of a red stripe on the body. Spider it secretive species, leads a nocturnal lifestyle. Likes to settle under logs, stones or among low plants.

1 Wandering Spider

Wandering spider - very poisonous, it's better not to meet! The species lives mainly in the tropics. Because he has a small size (about 12.7 cm), many underestimate its lethality, although in 2010 the spider was listed in the Guinness Book because of this.

The spider's limbs give it the ability to very quickly move. Its characteristic feature is fangs - they are covered red bristles. A wandering spider is a travel lover, usually crawling through the forests in search of food. Feeds on lizards, insects, if mice come across, they also become prey. During the day, the spider hides, and goes hunting at night.

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