Italian Mafia Boss Escaped From Maximum Security Prison... By Sheets

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
4 March 2023

Marco Raduano, nicknamed Pallone, is an authoritative mafioso who masterfully escaped from the Badu 'e Carros prison with just a few sheets tied into a rope. Escape level "wretched gangster action movie" was discovered only after two hours.

The fugitive quietly "accumulated" a sheet, got the necessary key, studied the schedule of the guards and hastily left the government house.

The daring escape was caught on surveillance cameras. The footage shows how the prisoner simply descended a rope of sheets along the wall, jumped onto the grass and disappeared in an unknown direction.

The guards came to their senses only after two hours.

Now the prison management is trying to disown the shame, justifying itself with an acute shortage of personnel due to endless cuts. As it turned out, at the time of the escape, there was not a single employee behind the monitors of the video surveillance system. That is, none at all. In one of the most secure prisons.

Shmon in all Italian ports and airports has not yet given anything, writes TG-channel MIR24.

Raduano himself was arrested in 2018 and sentenced to imprisonment on multiple counts (drugs, weapons, murder).

He was supposed to pass the time in places not so remote until 2046, but, apparently, the tolerant "democratic prison" decided to forgive his sins earlier.


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Спанч Боб
6 March 2023
2 751 comment
Одну простынь выдали, одну забрали. Откуда незаметные простыни?
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