Scientists have suggested sticking "warnings" on meat, like on packs of cigarettes (6 photos)

Category: Food, PEGI 18
27 February 2023
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Cigarette packs usually feature black lungs or effects of cancer to warn smokers of the harm that can bring smoking. Recently, scientists from the Netherlands proposed to glue similar stickers on substrates with meat in supermarkets - to show customers how animals suffer.

The idea of sticking warning stickers on meat packages proposed by scientists from the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. On The proposed stickers flaunt inscriptions like: "Animals suffer while you eat meat", "When you eat meat, the forests of the Amazon are destroyed", and so Further. Scientists conducted three experiments during which they found out:

"Hazard warnings make shoppers feel guilt and other negative emotions, due to which the likelihood of a purchase decreases. Our research has shown that stickers on meat, warning of negative consequences can effectively influence behavior of buyers," the authors of the experiment write in Food quality and preference.

During the first experiment, 161 volunteers were shown two packages of chicken breasts - one with a warning sticker "When you eat meat, animals suffer" and another without it. Participants were asked with what probability they will buy meat with a sticker, what emotions they experience and whether the stickers will affect their food choices and preferences. By results of the study, most participants were less likely to buying meat with a sticker, and admitted that it is possible that such stickers affect their desire to eat meat.

"When you eat meat, animals suffer" - the inscription on the package with chicken breasts

The second study involved 483 volunteers. Them showed packages of meat with six different stickers - they contained messages about harm to animals, about harm to the environment and health. Scientists determined that the theme of the sticker in most cases did not affect participants' reactions. Most emotional reactions, however, were collected stickers depicting suffering animals and destroyed nature - in while watching them, the participants were dominated by a sense of guilt.

"Eating meat puts your health at risk"

The third experiment involved 563 volunteers. As part of In this test, participants were told that the stickers allegedly created different organizations - the UN, Greenpeace and the private organization Green Eatz. The results showed that if the consumer considers the source to be reliable and trusts him, he is more likely to reconsider his preferences and pay attention to this package.

"While you eat meat, the Amazonian forests are destroyed" - it says on the package with minced meat

"Consumers often pay attention to the logo organization - and if they consider it reliable, they may not even be completely perceive the content of the message on the package. In this case, to purchase and it is the logo that inspires trust, not the warning sticker," - the authors of the study concluded.

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