The most amazing, unusual and terrible fish in the world (11 photos)

Category: Terrible, PEGI 16
23 February 2023

The ocean has long attracted people. The underwater world is explored on for many centuries, but still not fully understood. Regularly discover new species of plants, fish and other marine life.

Our article is devoted to jawed vertebrates - fish. They live not only in salt water, but also in fresh water. They can meet both in oceanic depressions and in mountain streams. For now about 36 thousand fish are known, of which 3 thousand live in the territory Russia.

Vertebrates are very diverse. They are completely are not similar to each other. Yes, they have everything, like people. There are cute and Not good. We will tell you about the most terrible fish in the world, and some of them are not dangerous and bloodthirsty. They simply make an unpleasant impression. Let's start.

10. Stone fish

This fish is included not only in the top of the most terrible, but also the most dangerous. She is very venomous.

Habitat: shallow waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans. Lives on coral reefs, often hiding in the shade of rocks or algae. She likes to burrow into mud or sand. notice stone fish is very difficult even on the shore, where it can get during low tides.

Vertebrate of medium size, reaches 40 cm in length. greenish, brown. It camouflages the fish well and helps to stay unnoticed. She has a large head with small eyes, covered bumps. The view is frightening, not in vain, because it is capable of killing a person. The spines of the dorsal fin are very sharp and contain toxins. Human accidentally stepping on a "living stone" runs the risk of dying. The sacrifice is worth provide immediate medical attention.

9. Pelican fish

Pelican fish has long been considered a rare species, but now it became clear that it is quite common. Lives in all oceans (in temperate and tropical regions). Lives deep, 500 to 3 thousand meters. Is a predator.

She has a very specific look. Length varies from 60 up to 180 cm, and the third part of the body is the mouth. Weight does not exceed one kilograms. The body is thin, gradually passes into the caudal filament. Characteristic features are massive jaws and a capacious pharynx. The color of the pelican is mostly dark tones.

The lifestyle and physiology of fish are poorly understood. It is almost impossible to conduct research at such depths.

8. Latimeria

Living fossil. Appeared in ancient times, more than 400 million years ago. It was considered extinct more than 65 million years ago, but in the twentieth century there were two species of coelacanth have been found. They live at a depth of 100 m.

They are found off the coast of South Africa and Mozambique.

The fish are large: length - from 1.5 to 1.9 m, weight - from 50 to 90 kg. The color is bluish-gray with white spots. Drawing for each individual is different. It is an individual feature. The fish have seven fins that look like short legs. body structure too unique: they don't have a backbone.

Huge eyes, sparse teeth, an ominous grin - the coelacanth looks like a character in horror films.

7. Moray

Habitat: Indian, Atlantic, Pacific Ocean. Most often found in the Red and Mediterranean Seas. Prefer bottom layers of water. During the day they hide in the crevices of the rocks, and at night they come out to the hunting.

Moray eels reach a length of 1.5 m, the maximum weight is 50 kg. They differ from other fish in that they lack scales. Color beautiful: brown, greenish with a marbled pattern. When approaching baring their teeth, as if trying to scare. Huge mouth, teeth slightly twisted inwards. The fish looks impressive, but it's better not to approach. Many cases of attacks on people have been recorded, in particularly for scuba divers.

6. Black Liver

Distributed in tropical and subtropical waters throughout the world. It lives at depths up to 3900 m.

Small fish, maximum length only 25 cm. Body elongated, without scales. The color is dark. The fish got its name not by chance. The mouth of the black larva opens wide. Him there are no muscles and ribs, he is able to swallow prey, which greatly exceeds it in size. The stomach is stretched moving internal organs. Particularly greedy stingers turn out to be pushed to the surfacest, because they cannot digest prey. The process of decomposition begins, gases are released.

5. Drop fish

Mysterious and understudied.

It lives off the coast of Australia and Tasmania at a depth of up to 1200 m. This is an assumption of ichthyologists, the information is not confirmed.

The appearance of the drop fish is not very pleasant. She represents a gelatinous mass, 30 cm long, weighing 2 kg. There are small fins and growths on the body. One of them is located in front and resembles nose. This creature is not at all like a fish, but still it is. The color is varied: gray-green, pale pink, brown. Eat the opinion that it varies and depends on the color of bottom sediments in the place fish habitat.

Another unique feature of her is her sad expression. muzzle. It looks like she's crying. Drop fish often becomes the object of jokes and parodies.

4. Speckled Stargazer

Lives in the western part of the Atlantic Ocean. Prefers sandy or pebbly bottom.

The fish makes a repulsive impression. She is not very large. In length reaches 50 cm, weight - up to 9 kg. The head is broad, the body round and dense. The eyes are small and always look up. Because of This fish got such a beautiful name. Dark color on white speck.

The spotted stargazer has one feature - it can hit with an electric shock. Small but enough for in order to lose orientation in space. Divers fear this fish.

3. Monkfish

Commercial fish. Found in the Atlantic Ocean at depth up to 1000 m. Lives on a sandy or muddy bottom, hides in rock fragments and algae.

Monkfish impresses with its size. The length can reach 2 m, weight - up to 57 kg. The body and head are flat, covered growths and bone tubercles.

A terrible fish carries a great danger to humans. She often selected from a depth closer to the shore. It is difficult to notice and if stepping on a monkfish can cause deep wounds from the thorns. If disturb the fish, it can pounce and severely cripple.

2. Lomozub

A rare fish about which little is known. She lives in deep waters between New Zealand and Austria. The cleaver looks like alien creature. The color is dark, the eyes are huge and glow. On the muzzle a branch is located, which also emits a glow in dark waters. Thus, the fish attract prey.

1. Viper fish

Another rare and little-studied fish. It is believed that she lives in the Mariana Trench and other similar deep areas. She does not like light, so during the day he prefers to be as deep as possible - up to 3000 m. But at night, the viper fish becomes much bolder, its found several times in shallow water.

It is small in size, the length does not exceed 30 cm. Despite on modest figures, the viper can scare anyone. distinctive feature - a huge mouth and sharp fangs that do not fit in it. She pierces victims who swim too close with them. viper attracts prey with the help of a ridge that glows in the dark. This process called bioluminescence. Color varies from dark silver to black.

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