Veteran's service dog was seen off on the last flight (9 photos + 1 video)

23 February 2023

Kaya is a service dog who has been a favorite pet for 9 years and a hero to his master, a war veteran. Unfortunately, The dog was recently diagnosed with terminal cancer. It's time to say goodbye.

German Shepherd named Kaya - more than just dog and pet. She was a loyal service dog to a veteran Marine. infantry, an American named Cole. The dog helped the man cope with post-traumatic stress after working in a war zone. When he retired from the Marine Corps in 2014, the doctors put him on medication and therapy, but nothing seemed to help.. When he got Kaya - everything has changed.

When the man had Kaya, she was only 10 weeks old. TO In 2015, the shepherd dog underwent the necessary training - she knew how to wake up host when he had nightmares and stop his anxiety attacks. If she suspected that Cole was upset, she jumped up and "kissed" him to calm him down. Pet training cost a lot - and not all veterans can afford a service dog.

Therefore, Cole took part in the launch of the assistance program Veterans PAWS, which provides service dogs to veterans if they it is necessary to fight diseases. He, along with Kaya, flew to different cities by participating in events and meeting with senators. He succeeded to achieve the introduction of new rules regarding veterans and service dogs.

Unfortunately, at the end of 2022, veterinarians diagnosed Kaye has terminal cancer. It happened after the owner noticed a strange bump on the pet's paw. Cole knew it was time to say goodbye. Before This Kaya has flown on aircraft with the owner 320 times, including trips to events and meetings. The dog recently made its last flight. The owner warned the crew about this - and the pilot made an announcement that there is a "special passenger" on the flight, talking about Kaya. All passengers applauded the heroic dog.

The owner brought the pet to Dallas - the place where she was born. They spent the whole day together and the next day it was time saying goodbye. Kaya is no more, but she will always remain a hero in our hearts. many people. "She made me a better person. And saved my life," - said the owner.

On the plane, the pilot announced that Kaya was on the flight:

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