Tourists descended into the catacombs of Paris and showed what is outside the tourist routes (35 photos)

18 February 2023

Paris is an old city whose rich history attracts thousands of tourists. One of the most interesting tourist destinations is to visit the abandoned catacombs, which are spread under the city for many kilometers. Of course, not everyone is satisfied with walks with professional guides. Many are looking for alternative entrances to these forgotten places, wanting to get more emotions. And these guys, for the first time being in the capital of France, such an entrance was found. And showed what's underneath Paris.

If someone does not know, then the catacombs exist for a reason. This huge ossuary. That is, the place where the remains of people rest. If believe official information, then about 6 million are buried there Human. Why were people buried there? Yes, everything is simple and prosaic. The point is the lack of space faced by the Parisian authorities due to rapid growth of the city. That's where the authors of these photos went, having previously found a guide who had gone down more than once.

By the way, such an adventure is quite dangerous. Not only because of themselves catacombs, but also because of the police, who stop the attempts of curious tourists sneak into them. Well, or trying to stop - judging by the graffiti on the walls, the place is quite popular.

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