Meteors of Greece from above and why the monks went to the mountains (3 photos + 1 video)

18 February 2023

Who built Meteora - stunning monasteries on the rocks of Greece.

Christians of the Middle Ages renounced worldly life and left her, building monasteries in the most amazing places. Often in they chose caves and mountains as their new home: for example, impressive cave monasteries appeared in the Voronezh region. Approximately the monasteries of Meteora appeared in the same way - unique rocks in the Greek region of Thessaly, on top of which are six monasteries.

It is believed that in these mountains, towering 600 meters above sea level, hermits lived long before the temple complex. The monks settled in the crevices, turned small caves to their cells: in them they could spend hours in prayer and reading Scripture.

In the XIV century, the monk Athanasius arrived on these rocks. For Thessaly it was a difficult time: for a century they tried to capture the region Albanians, Serbs, Turks. Athanasius came from the Athos monastery, from where he was expelled by the corsairs. He wanted one thing - to find a safe place and establish a monastery where people could study the Word of God.

It was Athanasius who gave these rocks names - Meteora, and later built the first monastery, which today is known as the Great Meteor. TO In the 16th century, there were already 24 monasteries on these rocks. Today most lie in ruins, some have nothing left at all. On the video was taken from one of the surviving monasteries - the monastery of Varlaam, and an impressive panorama of these sheer cliffs is also shown.

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