What did medieval children play (7 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
18 February 2023

The Middle Ages was a period in history when children often played related to their future role in society. For example, many boys played knights in order to prepare for future service in knightly orders. They fought with wooden swords and spears and practiced riding on horseback.

But the girls played with dolls, preparing for a future role. housewives. They could also play games related to sewing, embroidery and other household skills.

In England of those years, the game "Base for prisoners." It was played by a large crowd, ten or more people. The field drawn with chalk into two parts, at the end of each of them there was a space ("prison"), where the "prisoner" of the other team was placed. Had to pull out his own without ending up in jail himself. Looks like modern bouncers.

Children often participated in ceremonies and holidays where they could play games such as "circle movement" where the participants dance in a circle and sing songs, or "rats and cats", where one team represents cats, and the other is mice.

Although the games of children in the Middle Ages could vary in depending on their social status and place of residence, they are still were an important part of their lives, helping them develop social and physical skills, as well as prepare for a future role in society.

The Middle Ages was a period when children were brought up in strict discipline and religiosity, so many games were directed to reinforce these values. For example, children could play "church" where they imitated religious rites, or to "court" where they could play judges and discuss a variety of moral and ethical issues.

Of course, there were games related to nature and agriculture. Children could play "prey", where they imitated hunting on animals, or to a "farm" where they learned how to care for animals and to grow plants.

There were games popular with children all over Europe.

"Red Hands" is a game in which players throw a stone, trying to hit the ground, and then they have to collect stones without letting other players to "kill" them by throwing your stone at other players' stones.

Rope jumping was another popular game. Guys stood at one end of the rope and jumped, trying to jump over the rope and don't touch her. Every time they successfully jumped the rope, lifted it even higher. Great exercise for agility and endurance.

Medieval games were an important part of education and raising children, helped them develop social and physical skills. Although many of these games may seem simple and even boring to us, they were favorite children's entertainment and left their mark on the culture that time.

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