Cache with three tons of cocaine found in the Pacific Ocean (3 photos + 1 video)

14 February 2023

A large catch was intended for the Australians, but it was intercepted by the New Zealand police.

Drug cartels never cease to amaze. Hundreds of kilometers to off the coast of New Zealand police and customs officers found a floating transshipment point with cocaine. Total in Stash there were 3.2 tons of white powder, the briquettes with which were marked symbols of Batman and a four-leaf clover. According to the New Zealand police, the retail price of this catch is about 316 million dollars.

A large catch was intended for the Australians, but it was intercepted by the New Zealand police.

The cops think the bales of drugs dropped from the aircraft, after which the smugglers on the ship must were to ship them to Australia. Australian drug market and consumers the powder of this batch would be enough for a whole year, New Zealand - for three, the security forces said.

It is reported that the drug raft was intercepted thanks to the intelligence of the so-called Five Eyes Alliance, in which includes USA, Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand.

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