Spiders are very interesting guys! How do they manage to spin such complex web? Each species does this in its own way. scheme. The process of weaving is somewhat reminiscent of the production of cotton candy. If we calculate the time that a spider spends on weaving a web, then will take 30 minutes to an hour.
What about poison? We have already figured out that spiders are skillful artisans, but are they all poisonous? Answer: no. Not all spiders are poisonous not everyone is dangerous, and not everyone's poison is deadly. Most spiders are not dangerous for a person, so it is quite possible to coexist with them (usually scares only their appearance).
But our article is devoted to the most poisonous spiders in the world - Let's take a look at these beauties! This can only be done on pictures, there is no need to risk meeting them face to face.
10. Chinese tarantula
A meeting with this spider does not threaten us, because the Chinese tarantula lives in Asia. Looks nice enough, though, if someone tries to touch him - he can bite, and when bitten, enter into human wound neurotoxin. If you do not provide the victim with timely help, he might die.
Basically, the bite of the Chinese tarantula threatens people with allergies. or with reduced immunity. Others just get hot there are chest pains that may not go away for several days. Adult spiders grow up to 20 cm (including legs). At the tarantula pleasant golden-brown color, however, he has a character aggressive.
9. Wolf Spider
This spider is becoming a welcome tank dweller. experienced spidermen. The wolf spider is a wild animal and should be kept Sometimes it's not easy, but some people like complexity. wolf spider is very aggressive and jumping - it can rise up to 15 cm in height. On a person is unlikely to attack - only if provoked.
This particular spider lives in tropical forests as well as in semi-deserts. Prefers a humid and warm climate. Grows in length up to 7 cm + 18 cm paws. The color of the spider is brown, it is easy to recognize by characteristic light stripes on the back. All types of such spiders are poisonous, and also, when they are nervous, they shed hairs from the abdomen - they can be allergenic and cause skin irritation.
8. Six-Eyed Sand Spider
The most dangerous spider lives in the deserts, so meeting him unlikely. The appearance of the six-eyed sand spider is enough memorable, so confusing it with another species will not work. Body spider is painted in light gray, brown or dark yellow. All the body is covered with hard hairs.
The six-eyed sand spider prefers land covered with sand. If you are an adventure seeker and like to go to unfamiliar lands, remember the appearance of this spider - its poison is dangerous to health person. Found in South America and South Africa. sand poison spider, getting into the human body, leads to sad consequences - necrosis.
7 Sydney Funnel Spider
This spider in Australia is always wary, though he has only the view is terrifying, and he does not bite so often. However, Sydney funnel spider is poisonous and after a bite can cause death in humans Exodus. In addition, he has gained a reputation as one of the most aggressive spiders. From 1927 to 1981, 15 deaths were recorded due to its poison.
The body length of the spider reaches 35 mm, males are smaller. A distinctive feature of the Sydney funnel spider are spurs, which are in the middle of the 2nd set of legs. It could be obvious (given the name), the Sydney spider lives in Sydney in Australia. Spider venom is as strong as cyanide. Toxic element of poison - neurotoxin atracotoxin - a substance that can affect the nervous system to every organ.
6 Chilean Recluse Spider
The Chilean hermit spider is quite large (up to 20 mm long, and leg span is 25 mm). Seeing this, you can great get scared. The Chilean hermit spider prefers the southern regions, more often only found in the south-central United States.
The hermit spider is not inclined to show aggression towards people, therefore, if he bites, it is only by accident. Most often this happens during sleep - the spider crawlst under the linen, thereby dooming yourself to death, because he is being crushed. A man wakes up in the morning and sees his dead body. The bite of a hermit can be fatal for people with kidney disease. insufficiency, hemolytic anemia and hemoglobinuria.
5 Yellowbag Spider
The yellow-headed spider is found in North America and throughout Europe. Although it is considered poisonous, rarely its bite leads to serious consequences. It is not difficult to recognize a spider by its characteristic features: it has long paws (and the two front ones are longer than the rest), the body is yellow. The length of the spider does not exceed 10 mm.
Danger yellow spider can carry for a person in the field - the bite does not carry fatal consequences, comparable to a wasp sting. But also bites in extreme cases - if he feels danger. common color spider - yellow, but there are also yellowish-brown, pale yellow in nature. Coloring depends on the region where the spider lives.
4. Black Widow
The owner of such a spider would be willingly Goths or simply those who prefer everything dark, but it's better not to get yourself this a pet, because it is poisonous. black widow venom fast spreads throughout the body, so the victim needs an ambulance help. The patient is given an anesthetic, and then after several manipulations with the bite site try to suck out the poison.
The Black Widow has a reason for this name - during mating, the female feasts on her boyfriend. He doesn't even suspect that waiting for him. The black widow is a spider that prefers to settle wherever it is. suitable conditions. This species is found in the USA, Asia, Southern Europe, Australia, Africa.
3. Lynx spider This type of spider did not just get its name - it can jump long distances, just like a cat. The lynx spider does not weave a web, but jumps into air to catch passing insects. You hardly call it the spider is poisonous, but it can bite.
Often the victims of the lynx spider are bees, wasps, hornets. If he decides to bite a person (which can happen extremely rarely), then on the bite site will be burning and swelling. fatal consequences an encounter with a spider does not carry. In appearance, the spider resembles a zebra - on the body stripes alternate, but these are females so decorated, males are small and inconspicuous.
2 Wandering Tiger Spider
It is also called wandering, choose a name that more likely. The appearance of the spider is beautiful, but it is better to admire it on pictures, because the spider is one of the most poisonous. He even listed in the Guinness Book. If the victim is not immediately treated, then the consequences can be fatal.
If a wandering tiger spider is not angered, it is unlikely attacks, shows aggression only for the purpose of self-defense. The spider is notable body color: it is dark brown with light speckles. Color depends on the habitat: it is black, red. The spider of this species loves settle in Central and South America.
1 Banana Spider
Such a sonorous name of a spider raises the question - what does it have in common has with bananas? It's called that for a reason, because there is only one banana spider. of the most dangerous and poisonous predators. His love to have as a pet. This species lives on banana trees, but does not regale on the fruits. Prefers Africa, Asia, Australia and USA.
By chance, it can get into housing: hiding in lockers, boxes. Unlike its relatives, the banana spider does not spin a web. - he hunts, and his advantages are speed and reaction. I This spider is dangerous for children and the elderly. It contains a neurotoxin that causes paralysis after ingestion muscles, leading to fatal strangulation. The person bitten by it spider, can't survive.