Last words of famous people (21 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
2 February 2023

Epicurus once said: "Do not be afraid of death: while you are alive - it is not, when it comes, you will not be."

Eternal peace is inevitable, what was, is and most likely will be. But for some reason we are still afraid of death and try to do everything to delay the moment of the last words (preferably surrounded by relatives, without pain and suffering).

And Leo Tolstoy wrote the following in his diary: "The word dying is especially significant!". What famous people say, who have earned respect during their lifetime, has always been valuable, but especially valuable were their last words before closing their eyes forever.

Isaac Newton

"I do not know how the world perceived me. To myself, I always seemed like a boy playing on the seashore and entertaining yourself looking for beautiful pebbles and shells, while the great ocean of truth lay unexplored before me."

Auguste Lumiere

The creator of cinematography said a rather symbolic and beautiful phrase: "My film is running out."

Somerset Maugham

"Dying is boring. Never do it!"

Well. It's hard to disagree with him, most likely it's really quite boring.

Fedor Dostoevsky

In his last moments, dying of tuberculosis and bronchitis, he held the hand of his wife Anna (nee Snitkin) and repeated: "Poor ... dear, with what I leave you ... poor, how hard it will be for you to live.

Yes, Fyodor Mikhailovich, you tried to give your wife something to think about after your death ...

Leonardo da Vinci

"I offended God and people! My works have not reached the height to which I aspired!"

This man was ahead of his time and always tried to achieve absolute perfection in everything he did. His contributions to art and science is hard to overestimate.

Felix Arver

The poet heard the nurse say to someone: "this is at the end of the corridor" and from squeezed out his last strength: "not a corridor, but a corridor." And right after that died. Ironic words for a poet.

Lev Tolstoy

In the hours before he died, he kept trying to say something to his son, but he could not make out the words of his father from grief. They were dismantled by the doctor Makovitsky: "Seryozha ... the truth ... I love a lot, I love everyone ..."

Victor Hugo

"This is a battle of day and night. I see a dark light..."

Still, he saw the light.

Percy Granger

The famous composer and pianist, already on his deathbed, again confessed to his wife: "You are the only one I wanted"

Arthur Conan Doyle

The author of books about the greatest detective in the world died of a heart attack attack. The last thing he said was to his wife: "You beautiful."

Michael Bulgakov

When a dying writer tossed about on his bed in his deathbed delirium, his wife Elena kept trying to understand what was so worrying about the dying. Maybe be his work? He somehow vaguely nodded and she clarified: "Master and Margarita?"

Mikhail Afanasyevich nodded and his last words were: "To know, to know..."

Eugene O'Neill

Sad irony - he was born in a hotel room "Broadway Hotel", and died in a room at the Boston Hotel. The last thing he said was: "I knew it! I knew it! Born in a hotel and... damn... dying in hotel".

Ernest Hemingway

The writer said to his wife: "Good night, kitten." And then he went to my room and a couple of minutes later my wife heard a shot. Hemingway committed suicide.

What was it like for his wife to even think scary ...

Bob Marley

Before leaving for the other world, he gave his son the last parting word: "You can't buy life for money."

Johann Goethe

"Open wider the shutters, more light!".

It must be so scary to die in the dark...

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

"The taste of death on my lips. I feel something not from this earth."

The musical genius seemed to know that it would not be long before he gave people absolute masterpieces. He was in a hurry to live, he was in a hurry to be.

Pablo Picasso

"Drink to me, drink to my health, you know I can't take it anymore."

But he was able to leave a powerful cultural mark and, to some extent, turn the world of painting.

Frida Kahlo

"I hope it's a happy departure and I'll never come back here again."

The Mexican "dove", as her husband Diego called her, survived her there is so much life that it is difficult to condemn her for these words. strong little Frida, who told her pain through her paintings.

Oscar Wilde

It would be strange to expect something banal and he did not disappoint. The writer was dying in a hotel room and fading eyes looking around the walls, he sighed and said: “There is disgusting wallpaper in this room. One of us will have to leave."

Elegant as always.

Ludwig van Beethoven

"Applause, friends, the comedy is over..."

The cruel irony of life: the composer, who became a legend during his lifetime, lost his hearing. But the genius in him was so strong that he continued to create their masterpieces even when deaf. I would like to believe that the last thing he "heard" - this is a thunder of applause.

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