What Movie Stars Would Look Like As Pandora Residents If They Were Invited To Star In Avatar (16 Photos)

15 January 2023

It would seem that in such a grandiose project as "Avatar" filming all the top Hollywood stars. But in 2009 James Cameron initially did not plan to gather on the site a whole detachment of celebrities in order to increase the budget of the picture, which was already very great. That is why he invited Sam Worthington to the main role - Australian actor, who even in his homeland did not find a big popularity. But he successfully passed the casting and became the main character of one one of the biggest blockbusters of our time. However, what would happen if Cameron decided otherwise? Let's see what it might look like movie stars in the image of the inhabitants of Pandora, if they were invited to star in Avatar.

Jennifer Aniston

Brad Pitt

Tom Cruise

Leonardo DiCaprio

Scarlett Johansson

Robert Downey Jr.

Sandra Bullock

George Clooney

Julia Roberts

Tom Hanks

Jennifer Lopez

Keanu Reeves

Angelina Jolie

Henry Cavill

Blake Lively

Chris Evans

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