Why there are no curtains on the windows in the Netherlands (4 photos)

12 January 2023

In the houses of Holland, living rooms are usually on the ground floor and it doesn’t matter - day or night. There the locals usually read, watch TV or have dinner. And all this with open windows. But why?

The inhabitants of the Netherlands like to look not at the wall while they eat, but outside. After all, there is much more interesting. But how and why did it happen - no one knows for sure and there are several versions.


The Germans banned the opening of curtains in many countries, including Holland. This was done for practical purposes - so that the streets were dark and aviation could not see where the cities were. And when Holland released, many people wanted to do what they were forbidden to for five years - open the curtains.

But most likely this version is the weakest. Curtains Germans really forbidden to open, but the Dutch liked to look out of the window at the street already in 19th century.

No secrets

There are many Protestants in the Netherlands and in the Calvinist the Protestant Church is taught and taught that honest people have nothing to hide and no need. In the 17th and 18th century, the curtains, of course, hung, but they were not closed, to show, look what a good Calvinist I am and nothing I hide. Even in the evening.


Curtains in Holland appeared in many cities in the 17th century. It was "golden age" of the country - then the Dutch began to live better, they could afford not only clothes and food, but also various decor items. And it is possible that the open curtains were a desire to show everyone acquired wealth. Many began to repeat and gradually it became part of the culture.

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