Cord 812 Custom Beverly 1937: the world's only armored sedan for a dead senator (16 photos + 1 video)

Category: Retro cars, PEGI 0+
12 January 2023

A very interesting car, which is associated with at least interesting story. This will be the story of an ambitious politician from United States of America, which was not saved from death even by severe armor, and his unique car, which received a second life on expanses of another country.

Entrepreneur Errett Kord developed an American company Auburn Auto, engaged in the production of vehicles from 1900 to 1937. All this time he emphasized style and technology, and in 1929 he founded and named the automobile brand Cord Automobile Corporation after him. And although he was not destined to compete with large automobile corporations, he still managed to impress the public. AT 1935 Kord was entrusted with the construction of a bulletproof car for then Democratic United States Senator from Louisiana Huey Long.

At the time of the assassination, Long was a rising national figure.

Why bulletproof? Senator Long is very eloquent an extraordinary person who, to some extent, became the prototype of the protagonist in Robert Penn Warren's masterful novel All the King's Men - was a strong supporter of affordable education for all citizens country and a loyal follower of President Roosevelt, who sought pave the way for a fully integrated America. Some right Louisiana factions objected to this course, in connection with which Long's life was in serious danger - hence the special Cord ordered government. True, Long was killed before work on machine was finished (on the evening of September 8, 1935, on the eve of the meeting in the State House of Representatives, a young Dr. Karl Weiss approached him and shot the politician in the stomach with a small pistol, after which he was instantly riddled with guards, but this is only according to the official version - according to another, the senator could have received a mortal wound from a weapon your bodyguard).

Decades later, during which the machine is practically not drove and stood in the garage, businessman and collector Gary Morgan from the Canadian city of Chilliwack "was looking for absolutely any Cord", until came across an ad in a Louisiana newspaper. Finally, in 1985, he bought a car, and only after some time found out the history.

“It's really amazing,” says Morgan. - I was just happy that I found it, and when we got the details, then experienced a feeling of excitement. And, of course, its value has increased markedly!”

For the next few years, Morgan worked slowly and hard on a complete restoration: “I did it quite regularly when I found free time, but there was a lot of work on the details, and the original photographs or illustrations that could be relied upon, not enough."

The matter was incredibly complicated by the fact that this Cord had as many as 18 automotive innovation, not to mention bulletproof panels. Things like unibody, vanishing headlights, electronic gear shifter, no visible hinges on the outside and even hidden gas tank cap, made the process of car restoration real research exercise.

“The more you work on it,” Morgan says, “the more amazing it gets.”

After an ill-fated series of strokes, Morgan could no longer take care of the car, so I decided to entrust the completion of the project to Daryl Frankoeur and his team at 360 Fabrication in Abbotsford (quiet and beautiful Canadian city with mountain views).

“This is what we live for,” Frankoeur admits. - We got dream project, and with it a lot of difficulties arose. Landmarks were very little, so it's fair to say that we've been doing assembling a puzzle, not knowing what exactly the picture should turn out.

Cord has been completely rebuilt by hand and 360 Fabrication is finally completed what Morgan had painstakingly worked on for over 30 years. And although you sure don't hesitate to sendride it in Calgary, in fact he is ready to travel. Morgan did not deny himself the pleasure of making short trip.

"All this bulletproofing, these steel panels make the car incredibly heavy. Not sure if anyone wants to ride these days it's so far away," he says, smiling slightly. But the car looks definitely good!”

Huey Long's refurbished Cord debuted at the 2017 Vancouver International Auto Show.

Morgan puts it simply: “The car is an important part of stories. It's good that people can see it with their own eyes, and thanks to to the admirable craftsmanship of Daryl and his men, the car looks like new."

What do you say, friends? To be honest, I sincerely admire such people like Gary Morgan! It's hard to take your eyes off the beauty of this car. sight…

By the way, on the Barrett-Jackson auction site, from where I borrowed part photographs, it is indicated that a V-shaped 4.7 liter 8-cylinder Lycoming engine, paired with mechanical 4-speed gearbox.

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