Users showed what treasures they found in the trash (16 photos)

23 December 2022

Someone considered these things garbage, but for others they became real treasure. Note that the heroes of this post are not homeless, for where landfill inspection is the backbone of life. It's just that there are strange people who carefully leave cool things that it is impossible not to pay attention to, for example: antique furniture, musical instruments and various rarities in an excellent condition! Former owners could make good money just by selling them, but for some reason they wanted to throw away all these riches. And do not feel sorry for them?

“The residents of my apartment building, when they moved out, threw this beauty into the trash. Needs to be cleaned up a bit."

"Found the perfect painting kit"

“I found a disco ball! I thought it would be fragile, but it turned out to be heavy"

"Best furniture I've ever found - two bar stools and a table with a chessboard painted on it"

"Insanely happy to have found this friend"

“Mom accidentally found a box of brand new sneakers in the trash and the check that accompanies them. Somehow they fit me perfectly. size!”

Valuable find in the trash can. It turned out that someone had thrown decoration from the 60s and 70s. This 14k gold ring is worth over $200 (stone is glass).

Just need to find the right pillows!

“I found a picture of a cat in the garbage, which is very similar to mine. Took home"

Apparently, someone dislikes music so much that they even decided to throw a great musical instrument away from home.

"Someone's old marble collection was thrown into the trash, but I saved it"

“I don’t know what I’m going to do with this, but I couldn’t leave this sewing machine to rot in a landfill.”

Roadside find

“Found a 1934 first edition of Mary Poppins in a trash can at work.”

Very expensive and rare Lego set

Happy catch!

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