A selection of creative and unusual Christmas trees (18 photos)

Category: Creatively, New Year
23 December 2022

Well, what kind of New Year can we talk about if there is no festive and smart Christmas tree? For some, a standard set of jewelry is enough. There is even those for whom a simple spruce twig is enough. But New Year's creatives want to create! They can build a cool Christmas tree out of what whatever. Let's take a look at their flight of fancy.

Mariah Carey Christmas Tree

Festive tree for cat owners

Invisible holiday tree

This Christmas tree is made from old street lights.

Christmas tree made from artificial flamingos

New Year's Godzilla

Christmas tree in Lithuania, Vilnius

Christmas tree made by a fan of the computer game "Portal"

New Year's Darth Vader

Holiday tree for countries with a hot climate

Tree from bearings

Tree for flower lovers

The very moment when I could not stop only at the Christmas tree and created a whole festive town

Christmas tree made of plastic pelicans. Looks funny and a little scary

Pacman Christmas Tree

Gorgeous glass tree. But it's better to stay away from her...

Christmas tree made from fishing traps, Canada

Festive tree decorated with colorful buoys

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