russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for December 14

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
15 December 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- What if a sabotage against the Russian Christmas tree

- Residents of Rybinsk already feel the approach of the New Year with a live Christmas tree that adorns the city… his thinness and sickly appearance.

- Meanwhile, freezing Europe and expensive electricity that does not allow you to survive the winter

- The main thing is that there in Europe, is everyone already frozen?

- While your boyfriend is fighting, you are fighting with your mouth

A "very faithful" girlfriend sent a guy to war and promised to wait, but hackers from VKontakte hacked into her page and found more than 20 pornographic videos with a Tajik there. Therefore, she is now waiting for a daily fuck with a lover of prior and wrestling.

Prices, eh values...

- The shameful advertising of the "Wagnerites" on TV has already become everyday

Slaves are already encouraged to join the ranks of prisoners and become cannon fodder. The number belongs to a certain "Bavaria" — recruiter of the Prigozhin PMC

Is it okay for them? Really slaves...

Is Putin's plan working?

A very symbolic photo, everything is good on it: both the results of Putin's plan and not the poor people...

- #losses of invaders as of 12/10/2022

+740 dead Russian Armed Forces per day

Colonel – Roman Vdovydchenko

Senior Lieutenant – Alexander Ernestovich Erdneev

Senior Lieutenant – Nikolay Lezhebokov

Captain – Alexander Lisin

Senior Lieutenant – Edward Dragunov

- An invasion of Belarusian troops into Ukraine is unlikely, according to ISW analysts (

The exercise, which began yesterday and the move of troops closer to the border with Ukraine, is likely part of Russian information operations, suggesting that Belarusian ground forces may join the Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine, analysts say.

- 23 thousand prisoners were recruited into the PMC "Wagner", they are used as "meat", reports ( ) CNS.

Their death does not resonate with the Russian society and therefore allows the Russians not to think about the losses.

The prisoners are formed into assault squads, which are monitored with the help of drones. Losses do not demoralize PMC Wagner, because qualified personnel and leadership do not participate in the assault.

- 10 drones were shot down over Kyiv and the region, the mayor of the capital said.

At the same time, Bunechko, head of the Zhytomyr OVA, warns about a possible second wave of UAV attacks.

- Judging by what the head of the Kyiv OVA Kuleba writes, they are again trying to attack energy facilities with mopeds.

- A fragment from a drone damaged two administrative buildings in the Shevchenko district in Kyiv.

Information about the victims is being specified.

- The office of the president publishes a photo of the consequences of the attack on the Kyiv region: 2 administrative buildings were damaged in the capital, in Vyshneve – a private house.

- Another moped was dropped over the capital. A total of 11 drones were shot down. Air Defense – strength!

- Norway will transfer 10 bridges to Ukraine to help restore normal communication in regions where bridges have been destroyed as a result of hostilities, writes Norway Postsen (

The total cost of bridges – NOK 30 million (about US$3 million). Structural elements will be transported to Ukraine by 32 trailers, the first of which has already set off on Tuesday.

- A scheme has been discovered that ensures the flow of technology to Russia bypassing sanctions: an investigation ( by Reuters.

According to the data of the Russian customs, in the 7 months before October 31, computer and other electronic components worth at least $2.6 billion were imported into the Russian Federation. More than 700 million worth of goods were produced by Western companies such as Intel Corp., Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (AMD), Texas Instruments Inc. and Analog Devices Inc., as well as the German Infineon AG.

- It is reported that the Service of God visited the Ovruch-Korosten diocese in the Zhytomyr region.

Photos of local FSB officers (priests) speak for themselves.

We look forward to official information from the SBU.

- And the SBU also visited the temples of the UOC-MP in Lviv and Volyn with an inspection.
Film Carols, carols, carolers.

- The SBU conducts searches at 19 objects of the UOC (MP) in 9 regions of Ukraine. Law enforcement officers are inspecting the territory to identify people who may be involved in illegal activities to the detriment of the sovereignty of Ukraine.

- Putler canceled another traditional event – this year the dictator will not address the Federal Assembly. Most likely, the event will be rescheduled for early next year.

He just needs time to figure out how to justify himself.

- French anti-aircraft missile systems SAMP / T, known as Mamba, may soon appear in Ukraine. France and Italy accepted Ukraine's application for the supply of an air defense system and it will soon be delivered to our country.

It is assumed that if the decision is finalized, then Italy will transfer radars, and France — launchers.

- Turn on electrical appliances 15-20 minutes after the light is turned on. Otherwise, the transformers will not withstand the voltage increase and local accidents will occur.

And don't forget about savings.

- In the Verkhovna Rada, the collection of signatures has begun for all people's deputies of the banned "OPZZh" to be deprived of their mandates.

At the moment, we managed to collect 50 signatures, the collection continues.

- In Klintsy, Bryansk region, where there are several military bases, — powerful "bavovna".

Inhabitants are fussing.

- Putin is preparing a powerful nuclear missile "Yars" capable of striking the US and the UK, — New York Post.

The dictator confirmed his nuclear threat to the West by preparing for combat use a powerful nuclear missile "Yars", which can hit both the US and the UK.

- All Yanukovych's property was confiscated in favor of Ukraine, — Supreme Anti-Corruption Court (VAKS).

"VAKS confiscated all of Yanukovych's property, in particular his residence in Mezhyhirya, a hotel and restaurant complex in Sukholuchye, an apartment, money and more than 500 cultural valuables," the Anti-Corruption Action Center said in a statement.

- The war will not end in winter. White House national security spokesman John Kirby said the US expects the war in Ukraine to continue "for some time in the future" and "there is no expectation" that the fighting will stop in the winter months.

- The Sejm of Poland recognized Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism.

- #enough to endure this

- Putin's propagandists do not hide Putin's real goals in Ukraine

- Anxious

- Two days in the life of Alexei Navalny

- «SVO» goes on as usual, everything is according to plan - Putin

- New post by Alexander Nevsky 14.12.22

- Oh

- There is no time to endure until adulthood, fret is needed now

- The defender of Mariupol had his hand restored in the USA

- right after the highmars

- Present: The story of the mural with Putin in the center of Belgrade (Serbia)

- 160 people were sentenced to terms of five to ten years in prison, 80 people — by two to five years and 160 people — to two years in prison. There are 31 provinces in Iran. Protests swept the whole country, there are no general statistics on convicts yet

- Soviet poster, 1935

- Cat

- a bit disturbing

- An explosion occurred at an oil refinery in Angarsk (Irkutsk region) at night. Two people died and four were injured. The fire has already been extinguished, the cause of the explosion is not reported

- sho, again?

- In Ukraine, even a crime is not a crime

- A new style of doors in the toilets of Krasnoyarsk

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