Six-fingered family rooting for Brazil (5 photos)

Category: Health, PEGI 16
10 December 2022

Members of the Brazilian da Silva family will be able to count all the victories his country in the World Cup on the fingers of one hand, even if the Brazilian national team succeeds in Qatar for the sixth time in their stories. The fact is that almost everything da Silva is really big football fans - have six fingers on each hand.

Brazilian family with six fingers supports his country on the path to victory in the World Cup, in order to once again count the number of Brazilian victories on the fingers of one arms. About 15 members of the da Silva family, nicknamed "family number six" have six fingers on their hands, and sometimes on their feet.

Brazil is the most successful team in World Cup history won them five times: in Sweden in 1958, in Chile in 1962, in Mexico in 1970, USA in 1994 and South Korea and Japan in 2002 year. Da Silva hopes that in Qatar in 2022 the Brazilian national team achieve the sixth victory.

The surname Silva is common in Portuguese-speaking countries and is the most popular surname in Portuguese-speaking Brazil. That's why no wonder that the captain of the national team, Thiago Silva and six-fingered family of fans, although they have the same last name, they are not related among themselves by family ties. However, the family is struggling for namesake and wants their country to win another World Cup.

This dream of Brazilian fans is one step closer after Brazil's 4-1 victory over South Korea in the round of 16, scored by Vinicius José Junior, Neymar, Richarlison de Andrade and Lucas Paqueta. South Korean Seung-Ho Paik landed a long-range strike on the 76th minute, but it was not enough to resist the Brazilian steam roller. Undoubtedly, at this moment, the family with six fingers, living in Aguas Claras, near the capital of Brazil, Brasilia, all her fingers gripped the edges of the chairs.

A rare genetic variation called polydactyly exists in da Silva family for four generations - like the love of football, say da Silva. "Family number six" is sure that this time their the team will win again. Schoolgirl Maria Morena da Silva joked about this score: “For the next World Cup, you will have to find someone with seven fingers.

Da Silva hit the headlines during the World Cup football 2014 in Brazil, and in 2015 two family members went to Germany to take part in the study, dedicated to which genes gave them a sixth finger, according to local media.

Silvia Santos da Silva, granddaughter of one of the first members of the family with six fingers - the late Francisco de Assis Carvalho da Silva - said: “They wanted to know about it so that they could make cool prostheses".

A study published in the journal Nature states that six-fingered hands are controlled by a large number of muscles and nerves, than hands with five fingers.

Francisco de Assis Carvalho da Silva, nicknamed "The Six" was lawyer and musician famous for his extra finger, and also founder of the Clube do Choro, a popular music venue in Brazil.

According to Silvia Santos da Silva, most of her family lives in Brazil. According to her, six in the family went from her grandmother to maternal line, which passed this trait to the next generations.

“When a child is born, we immediately ask if he will have five or six fingers, because six is suitable for us, - says she is. At first, people don't ask us questions because they think we we are ashamed that we have six fingers. But after they find out us, they understand that it is natural for us.”

According to Sylvia, about ten members of her family watched the first World Cup match in which Brazil played against Serbia

“We are very festive people,” she says. - My father was musician, so I grew up at parties. So to the match against We have gathered all of us in Serbia, except for those who are now abroad. I prepared traditional Serbian meat and sarma - cabbage and grape leaves twisted with stuffing inside.

It is unknown if da Silva celebrated their team's victory over South Korea with kimchi.

But da Silva is not alone. Recently 45-year-old Josevaldo de Almeida Tome, another sixpapabrazilian football fan, also hit in the headlines due to its peculiarity.

He, too, is looking forward to Brazil winning the World Cup. “Each World Cup for me is a time of constant nervous tension. After another victory, I will greet our players with all six fingers!

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