20 stories from people who saw something incredibly rare (21 photos)

10 December 2022

These people were lucky to see with their own eyes what most sees only in dreams ... In some cases - in nightmares. That's how Reddit users answered the question: “What is an extremely rare occurrence for you did you happen to see it in person?"

1. “Remember, in Pirates of the Caribbean they talked about “green flash at sunset? This is a real meteorological phenomenon. I saw him once when I was at sea in the navy."

2. “I lived on a sailboat off the coast of Mexico. One day down below some huge object swam through the water. It was longer than 13 meters sailboat. Then he began to breathe, and we realized what it was. It was a female blue whale with a cub.

3. "I saw a woman slip on a banana peel."

4. “My friend and I share the same birthday. Once at work we go into the elevator, there are three more guys. One of them says to the others: "Tomorrow is a big day." 5 random guys in an elevator share the same birthday day. The chances of this seem to be (1/365)^4, or 1:17.8 billion if the fact that the birthday was the next day doesn't matter."

5. “I was swimming in the Pacific Ocean when four dolphins danced around and swam between my legs. When they approached again, I noticed that one of the four looked more like killer whale calf, it was a bright indigo color with a very high dorsal fin. He looked unreal! I stroked them all and they sailed away play on the waves. It was the most magical moment of my life."

6. “Ball lightning. God, what a wild thing. I was 14 and I saw her running along the railroad tracks. After she disappeared, there was a loud bang, and I'm not sure if it exploded or touched something."

7. "I observed a coronal mass ejection in March 1989."

8. “July 2011: I told my wife that we were above us tonight the international space station will fly by, the sky is clear, and we decided go to the countryside, where there is less light pollution, and take the children, who were then 12 and 8 years old. We look to the sky, it passes over head... and then split in two. I'm going home thinking any catastrophe will be on the news, so I included them. Turns out the last shuttle mission just ended and we watched the shuttle Atlantis leave the ISS for the last time."

9. “I saw a wheel come off the van when it was trying to turn sharply to the right. The wheel rolled across the road with a busy traffic to the open compartment of the tire store across the road. One chance for million".

10. “I saw a man take off his cap, throw it on the ground and start stomping like in cartoons.”

11. “I saw Niagara Falls almost completely frozen over in February 2015! It was eerily quiet."

12. “Back in the 1980s, I was on a plane and saw another plane carrying a space shuttle.”

13. “My grandfather took me to a hockey game where the goaltender Buffalo Sabers Clint Malarchuk cut his carotid artery and partially jugular vein with a flying hockey skate. He bled out on the ice before our eyes. Sabers trainer who was a US Army medic during Vietnam, knew to put my fingers right in the wound and pinch artery to save his life.

14. “A rainbow of fire is quite a rarity, mostly in this case the cloud piece is just aboutdyed in different colors. Once upon a airshow, my dad and I, as well as about 50 other people, witnessed the most extravagant color show I have ever seen. Fiery rainbows occupied half the sky, and this was the most beautiful natural phenomenon that I have seen in my life.

15. “I saw a grizzly bear and a wolf nibbling on the same bison carcass together in Yellowstone Park.”

16. "I saw two turtledoves fly into each other head on."

17. “I saw one particularly rainy day fall from the sky fish. She hit the ground and was swept into the gutter."

18. “I saw how a huge piece of rock collapsed and fell into the river. The piece was no smaller than the size of a football field.”

19. “Northern lights near my house. It doesn't usually happen this far south."

20. “Once a tree literally fell on the path in front of us while we were walking through the national park.”

<img src=" https://cn22.nevsedoma.com.ua/p/26/2614/137_files/bc553c35b4686e25faa4408a39e1a4d3.jpg"

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