russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for December 7

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
8 December 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Acceptable conditions in Novosibirsk

Local MP Boasts of Repairing a Roadside Toilet.

Users of social networks at first thought it was a joke, but as it turned out, Svetlana Kaverzina was absolutely serious.

- In Russia, schoolchildren will be told "fairy tales" about the "heroes of the NWO"

Interesting, but in the textbooks there will be valiant stories like "heroes" got pi * dy and fled from the Kyiv, Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv and Kherson regions?

- Wipe Zopu

Sorry, today is toilet news day

- #losses of invaders as of 07.12

+ 540 dead of the RF Armed Forces over the past day:

Chief of Staff - Deputy Commander of the 227th Artillery Brigade Lieutenant Colonel Gadzhikurban Magomedov

lieutenant colonel Alexander Khomenko

Levy Denis, in 2019 he was imprisoned for murder, was recruited by PMC "Wagner"

- The Senate of the US Congress agreed on the defense budget for 2023, it was previously approved by the House of Representatives.

The budget will amount to $847.3 billion, including $800 million for military assistance to Ukraine. This draft defense budget could be the largest in US history.

- In the spring, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be in the liberated Sevastopol, Donetsk and Lugansk, — Danilov. According to the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council, winter will be a key stage in the struggle for the independence of Ukraine

- Ukraine's energy infrastructure could be completely out of order by the end of 2022 if Russian strikes continue — Newsweek.

- There is a significant shortage of energy in Ukraine. Emergency shutdowns are underway in some areas.

Repair work is underway in the east of the country, as well as in the Odessa and Kyiv regions.

- There are "no conditions for a diplomatic settlement of the war in Ukraine now", — FT with reference to Stoltenberg. According to the NATO Secretary General, the Russian Federation is trying to freeze the conflict in order to launch a larger offensive in the spring.

- Turkey can send floating power plants to Romania to supply 300-400 megawatts of electricity to Ukraine, — CEO of Carpovership.

- "Soon there will be no safe zones in Russia. We will be able to hit all targets on the territory of the Russian Federation, including in Siberia. We have no range restrictions", — said ( an anonymous defense adviser to the Ukrainian government to the Financial Times.

- Suspicious packages were sent to the Ukrainian embassies from the Tesla car dealership in the German city of Sindelfingen, — Kuleba.

According to him, embassies in 15 countries have already received 31 suspicious packages.

- Otakoy: an interesting photo appeared in the Belarusian media. It turns out that Lukashenka, in the past "Knave", was previously an agent of the KGB of the USSR and carried out intelligence activities.

"Knave" is "extremely cunning, prone to intrigues and striving for power over others", and besides, "greedy for women, especially minors."

Now it is clear why he has such “warm” relations with the Kremlin.

- Time magazine named Volodymyr Zelensky's Person of the Year and "Ukrainianspirit".

- Germany and Poland have agreed that Patriot complexes will be located on Polish territory near the border with Ukraine, — German government press office.

- Ukraine may receive $3 billion from the NATO Afghan fund — Politico. This is a trust fund created to support and train the Afghan National Army.

NATO countries are ready to consider the possibility of redistributing part of the $ 3.4 billion, and such an initiative for the most part does not cause controversy, the newspaper writes.

- I wanted to take out the car and was left without a position. The court removed the mayor of Chernihiv, Vladislav Atroshenko, from office for a year due to a conflict of interest.

It was established that Vladislav Atroshenko allowed a conflict of interest when he instructed a service driver to take his wife's Tesla Model X abroad. For this, the mayor was fined 6,800 hryvnias and banned from holding public office for a year.

- The mayor of Kyiv warned about the scenario of the "apocalypse" for the Ukrainian capital this winter if Russian airstrikes on infrastructure continue, but said there is no need for residents to evacuate now, although they should be prepared for it, — Reuters.

- Germany is going to transfer 18 RCH 155 self-propelled howitzers to Ukraine. The RCH 155 has a PzH 2000 turret, but it is fully automated, which reduces the crew to two people.

The firing range is 40 kilometers with standard ammunition and 52 with active-reactive ones, and there is also the possibility of firing guided ammunition.

- Incredible, but true: a court in Russia ordered a resident of Murmansk to finance the Armed Forces of Ukraine. A former soldier of the Soviet army, who served in the West of Ukraine, was accused of negligence in the case of theft of oil products from the unit at the beginning of the 2000s. He was fined 674,242 rubles, which he paid the Ukrainian army from his pension for several years.

- Bulbashi wanted to play. Belarus moves troops along the border with Ukraine, — CNN. The reason for such actions of the Belarusian army is the alleged increase in tension along the Ukrainian-Belarusian border.

Belarus has also once again announced the start of military exercises as part of the autumn conscription campaign for basic military training of new recruits.

- Yes, this is Times Square. And yes, this is the cover of Time magazine with Zelensky

- Here's the rain and its presenters

- How many times to tell the Russians not to go to the draft board

- The windows of the intensive care unit of the Kyiv children's hospital "Okhmadet" closed with sandbags.

- Alexander Nevsky's new tweet about director Oliver Stone

- A tragicomedy in three acts. Why informing on a neighbor is considered a matter of honor?

- Wagner's teeth of the dragon turned out to be a props hollow inside

- What you sow is what you reap

- Well, we sell our own for money

- Memes

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