Objects so tiny that their existence seems like a joke (20 photos)

4 December 2022

The world is full of unusual and even strange things. One of these curiosities are tiny things that can easily lead any person is confused. It seems that the presented items were created for miniature people, whose dimensions do not exceed the size of an ant.

Some of them are made by creatives for fun, other objects were created to perform some specific tasks. We suggest you take a look at the photos of such little things and be surprised that how many unusual things can wait for us at every corner.

Definitely one of the smallest violins in the world

By the way, you can play this violin. The tool does a good job of this.

Beer mug for midgets

I wonder who these colored pencils were made for?

Very small gold ring with emerald

Tic Tac has never been big anyway. Why was it even smaller?

You won't find a smaller pan, for sure.

But in such a pan you can fry perfectly even pancakes or scrambled eggs. Perfectionists will appreciate such a kitchen appliance.

Small olive oil bottle

Tiny vacuum cleaner

Have you ever seen such a small Ouija board?

Suitable for summoning micro-spirits from other worlds.

Curious how many of these chicken legs you need to eat in order to at least satisfy your hunger a little?

Are you sure it's not a fried earpiece?

Why listen to such a tiny cassette?

Salted Butter Mini Sticks

This little memento is sure to please all Tamagotchi fans.

Only ants can push those tiny buttons.

Very small paper boat

The person who was able to assemble this boat clearly has excellent vision and finger motor skills.

Mini joystick. Ordinary lighter for comparison

Collecting such a cube will obviously not be easy.

"My Dad's Miniature Phone"

miniature pasta

Such pastes are quite common in hotel rooms. If desired, you can try to stretch the portion for several days.

For whom are such small jars of ketchup produced?

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