Dwarf Agile Fox: Accelerates to a racehorse speed of 60 km / h with dimensions slightly larger than a cat. This is the only way she can survive (6 photos)

Category: Animals
30 November 2022

What to do if you are a weak fox, and around are harsh american prairie? Run! Yes, as fast as you can! Here, for example, a dwarf agile fox. She won't explain for her smallness, but it will explode from you at the speed of a racehorse, and figs you catch up!

The environment inspired the animal to such records. fox settled the American Great Plains - the land of grassy steppes and boundless expanses in the central part of the mainland. Skill quickly gain momentum in these lands - vital need. Especially when you are a tiny little animal the size of a little more cat.

It seems that the pygmy fox is absolutely not adapted to these harsh places: cute muzzle, big ears and thick fluffy fur is a description of a plush toy, not an animal harsh prairies.

You're just reading about how tough it is in here. And I live here!

The American fox is not at the top of the food chain. Her destiny is to catch mice, lizards and other small animals, Yes, eat up carrion, if God sends. The very agile fox becomes a dinner for the real alphas of the Great Plains: wolves, coyotes, American badgers, lynxes and even birds of prey. With such introductory animals, there was nothing left but learn to sprint at speeds up to 60 kilometers in hour!

As you understand, a tiny creature that rushes at such a speed is very difficult to photograph.

But sometimes you have to run not from someone, but for someone. Especially when that "someone" can bring offspring. In terms of family roles, agile foxes form funny reverse - each female is assigned a territory. ladies defend their possessions from the encroachment of strangers. And the males steppe winds fly all over the district, without burdening themselves territorial divisions.

Lovelace begins to foul the proud defender in winter, in January-February, so that the cubs appear exactly at the arrival warm in April and May. The baby will be in the new world not very happy: for two whole weeks they will try not to see and not hear it. But eyes and ears are all the same open, and a month after birth, the puppies will finally come out from a hole. And in a month, the young will already hunt on an equal footing with mom!

Fox children: in the second month of life they get food on a par with adults.

Brave masenka little fox cares neither predators nor people. For the past two centuries, pygmy foxes have been hunted for their skins, and from agricultural chemicals they were poisoned in packs. In Canada they were almost completely exterminated, the animal lost 60% of its original lands. But now foxes have escaped from the list of endangered species. with their characteristic quickness and are no longer considered disappearing!

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