Cristiano Ronaldo surprised journalists by taking something out of his pants and eating during the 2022 World Cup match

Category: Video, Sports
29 November 2022

The match Portugal - Ghana at the World Cup for Cristiano Ronaldo was successful. In it, the player scored a goal at his fifth World Cup, allowing the team to win. However, the attention of journalists turned out to be riveted to the striker for a completely different reason.

The FIFA World Cup continues to amaze. This time, Cristiano Ronaldo got into the zone of attention of journalists, fumbling in his pants right on the field. If that were the end of the matter, there would be no intrigue. But the search was successful, the football player found something, pulled it out into the world and ate it.

Many people wondered what Cristiano had a bite to eat right during the game? There have been many guesses. Someone suggested that Ronaldo reached into his shorts for chewing gum - according to media reports, this is how the press service of the Portuguese national team explained the episode with the find in the pants. But the question arises: why run half the game with chewing gum in sports shorts?

The version of the Portuguese publication A Bola seems closer to reality, which reported that Ronaldo ate a small energy supplement such as a bar. FIFA does not prohibit such a thing, and given that in February the player will turn 38 years old, the assumption is quite a working one.

By the way, in this match he scored one of the goals, which became his eighth at the world championships - in total, the forward, we recall, took part in five competitions of this level. The Portuguese team defeated the team of Ghana with a score of 3:2.

1 comment
Спанч Боб
29 November 2022
2 739 comments
- Ни в какую мошонку он не лазил и не ел своих блох/вшей. Не надо своё хобби выдавать за чужое.

У меня на двух парах шорт "Nike" внутренние небольшие карманы на молниях, крепятся к поясу и как раз в районе "шварца".

Очень удобно: на пляже - в нём ключ от номера отеля, в спортзале - ключ от шкафчика раздевалки.

- Принял, думаю, лекарство. У Роналду с юности - аритмия сердца.

И уже, к сожалению, как и все мы - с каждым днём не молодеет.

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