russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for November 21

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
22 November 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- A wounded paratrooper without a leg got up after hearing the songs of Vika Tsyganova

“It was in Khimki that there was a concert in the hospital. I sang to him, I looked straight into his eyes, and he said: a miracle happened, my leg stopped hurting, now I’ll put on a prosthesis, I’ll go to war.

Stories about which it is impossible to remain silent

- Putin and his entertaining daily routine

Visit to the center for the reproduction of turkey — necessarily

- Karma — she is so

Occupant Zakaev Said, an ultravatnik who boasted of bullying peaceful Ukrainians, made a negative offensive and was denazified

- The whole essence of the Russian world in one photo

- SBU detained a former "LPR" militant with the callsign "Hundredth"

He fought against Ukraine in 2014 and for some time served as an assistant to the "Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the LPR."

- This is a new art object "Water Drop"; in the Kuban village of Severskaya, and not what you thought

“The design was developed by specialists, it didn’t cause any associations in anyone. But show a finger to someone, it will evoke associations in them, what now, cut off the fingers on the hand? — declared in the stanitsa administration.

Small architectural form was installed under the program "Comfortable urban environment" for 2.3 million rubles (about 37 thousand dollars).

What about architecture?

- The invaders wanted to show that they were in Genichesk "forever"

True, in the word Genichesk "defenders of the Russian language" they made as many as two mistakes.

Murzilki illiterate, we know your "forever", passed

- #losses of invaders as of 21.11

+ 390 dead of the RF Armed Forces over the past day:

FSB agent, priest of the 76th Airborne Assault Division of the Airborne Forces, cleric of the Church of Prince Alexander Nevsky in the city of Pskov Priest Alexander Tsyganov

commander of the motorized rifle battalion Major Yevgeny Zadornov

Major Vyacheslav Beschastnykh

Rostov policeman Major Sergei Kadatsky in 2017, under the influence of hawthorn, shot his wife and father-in-law on the highway. Recently he signed up for the PMC "Wagner" (Dembel) and, as usual, was successfully amnestied.

- Arrived

- Rusnya did not deserve other news in its media

- More than 20 billion dollars — the amount of assistance to Ukraine from the United States.

«We will continue to support Ukraine for as long as it takes», — noted the head of the Pentagon.

- Change of power is not the purpose of the special operation, — Piskov. So, on the first day of the invasion, the putler called the overthrow of the "Kyiv regime" "the main goal."

- If Iran starts deliveries of missiles to the Russian Federation, Ukraine can receive high-precision ballistic missiles, — Head of the Israeli National Security Council Eyal Hulata.

- NATO wants to achieve an "acceptable peace agreement for Ukraine", so it is necessary to increase military assistance to Kyiv, — Stoltenberg.

- Eatsand the risk of a nuclear accident. This statement was made by Rusnya, commenting on the situation at the Zaporozhye NPP. Director General of Rosatom Alexei Likhachev said that he had been negotiating with the IAEA on this issue all night.

So maybe they will take away their soldiers?

- NATO PA has recognized Russia as a “terrorist state”; and called for the creation of a special International Tribunal, — head of the Ukrainian delegation Chernev.

- NATO will not introduce a no-fly zone over Ukraine, as they do not want to become a party to the conflict. This was stated by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

- The very "effective" line of defense of the orcs in the Swatov direction. Rows of concrete pyramids ("dragon teeth") are fastened with chains.

-An answer for Vietnam and Korea: Republican Senator Jim Rish called for fighter jets to be provided to Ukraine. In his opinion, Ukrainian pilots can use F-16 aircraft after some training.

"Someone says, 'Oh no, this will escalate.' But listen, when we fought in Vietnam and Korea, the Russians supplied both planes and pilots for our adversaries! It's time for the US to answer them with this ", – Rish noted.

- Russia does not allow the IAEA mission to reach the facilities of the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant that were under fire, — Reuters.

The Rashist authorities stated that the damage was critical: the building for storing radioactive waste and storage facilities, the systems of cooling ponds, the cable of one of the reactors and the bridge to another reactor were damaged, but experts are not allowed to assess the situation.

- 2-3 million Ukrainians will leave their homes with the onset of cold weather, — head of the WHO.

- Ukraine will live in conditions of regular power outages at least until the end of March — CEO of DTEK sub-holding Yasno Kovalenko.

- Welcome to the Middle Ages: in the Belgorod region they will build a "notch line". This was used back in Kievan Rus.

Governor Gladkov said that he could not disclose the details of the work on the equipment of protective structures, since "enemies" are listening to him.

- The IAEA expert group assessed the degree of damage to ZNPP, believes that key equipment was not damaged, there is no threat to nuclear safety, — statement.

- Bulbashi pull police officers to the border with Ukraine. Thus, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus decided to "strengthen" the Belarusian positions on the border with Ukraine.

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