russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for November 17

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
18 November 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- The moment when returning to the former is not shameful at all

A brand new "Lada" is at stake

- In Russia, they began to download the theme "Prigozhin for President"

What is very expected. And we already talked about it! And if prisoner Prigozhin is at the helm — the death penalty and poverty are guaranteed to the Russians. They are finally transformed into slaves.

The lesser of two evils is usually chosen, but we know that the Russians have not had any elections for a long time

- Lithuanians bought a marine drone called "Peace Dec" for Ukraine

"With best wishes for peace for the Russian Black Sea Fleet. Funding for another drone from Lithuania continues," journalist Andrius Tapinas said.

The cost of the UAV is $250,000, and 12,000 people voted for this name in a few hours.

- This is what the basement looks like in Zaytsevo, Luhansk region, where "deserter mobs" are kept;

Yes, yes, this is not Ukrainian captivity. Those mobilized at the front are sent to die like cannon fodder. Those who refused to fight are thrown into cellars like meat. Either option is bad.

So it's better for Russians not to appear on Ukrainian territories from the word «completely»

- Iranian Fanta and Afghan Cola are already in all stores in St. Petersburg

Our regular rubric import substitution

- Women's breasts on the embrasure! The only legal form of protest in Russia

Protests of mobilized women have become the only legal form of anti-war protests

In recent months, due to the fact that "partially mobilized" and in fact, civilian Russians began to be sent to the front without equipment and any proper training, the protests of their wives intensified. At what they began to wear more and more radical character.

Hundreds of women began to come out and demand from the authorities, if not the completion of mobilization, then at least the proper provision of the newly minted military. And the security forces don't know what to do about it. It's one thing to beat and put Moscow and St. Petersburg hipsters in paddy wagons. Another thing — to abuse the wives of the mobilized. The wives of those people who were armed, angry and hungry, were sent to the front to die for no reason. Against this background, it is completely incomprehensible how strong discipline is in the units and what excesses can be expected from them.

The situation is ambiguous. On the one hand, the suppression of women's riots will cause new ones already in the army ranks. On the other hand, if positions are weakened, this will lead to a more radical scope of women's campaigns. Both look very undesirable for the Russian security forces.

- #losses of invaders as of 17.11

+ 400 dead RF Armed Forces:

Lieutenant Colonel Yuri Rupasov
Oleg Sedov, commander of a specialized police platoon of traffic police in the Tver region

- In January, the Kremlin will announce the full mobilization

Judging by the manuals that were distributed to propagandists and owners of large Z-channels, the Russians are already in a panic.

It was naive to believe that Putin would stop at partial mobilization

- NATO is to blame again: Peskov's mustache commented on the White House's statement that Russia was responsible for the missile incident in Poland:

“Americans say in the paradigm “if it weren’t for this, then there wouldn’t be this.” Then it makes sense to rewind. And we will see the root cause of everything – it is NATO and the US at the head.

- Even cotton wool was sickened to the point of nausea. Solovyov's talk show on the Russia-1 channel and Olga Skabeeva"Channel One" dropped out of the top 10 programs in terms of audience reach.

- 5 people were injured in the Dnieper as a result of the attack of laptenogs.

The number of victims of attacks on the Dnieper increased to 8

- "Grain deal" extended by 120 days. This was announced by the Minister of Infrastructure Alexander Kubrakov. The UN and Turkey are the guarantors of the implementation of the initiative.

- Vitaly Kim made an official statement about today's shelling.

- Today Russia carried out a massive shelling of the gas production infrastructure of Ukraine: several objects were destroyed, several more were damaged to varying degrees, — Naftogaz.

- Almost 1 billion dollars fell on our land: briefly about the consequences of the largest attack on energy infrastructure on November 15th.

- A petition appeared ( with a proposal to exchange a stolen raccoon for a monument to Catherine II.

- "Kyiv clearly does not want any negotiations, the goals of the NWO must be achieved" — pussy.

Of course, what kind of negotiations?

- Without light for a whole day, not for several hours. “You need to be prepared that you will have to sit without electricity for days. DTEK Executive Director Dmitry Sakharuk.

In Ukraine, 40% of consumers now remain without electricity. The situation is very difficult, but controllable.

- Grandpa Joe lit up again with his instructions:

«You… take a photo»

"You sit down"

"You say the opening remarks."

- Israel has spent millions of dollars from its budget on military support for Ukraine. This came after Biden's request to help the UAF in their defensive war.

The military aid purchased by Israel will be transferred through the NATO countries. This includes an extensive arsenal of tools, instruments and other "strategic equipment". It is not reported what kind of "equipment" it is, but it is known that Israel spent many millions of dollars from its national budget on it.

- A court in The Hague sentenced Leonid Kharchenko, Sergei Dubinsky and Igor Girkin in absentia to life terms in the case of the crash of the Malaysian Boeing.

- Already mobilization for sure? In December-January, according to rumors, Russia wants to announce a general mobilization.

The propagandists themselves write about this in their channels.

- Titans: in Kyiv, surgeons performed heart surgery without electricity. As you understand, not for the sake of a record in the Guinness book. Electricity was cut off due to Russian bombing.

- The IAEA demanded that the Russian Federation leave the Zaporozhye NPP, reports ( 11-17/) Reuters.

“The Board of Governors does not recognize Russian attempts to take over the Ukrainian Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant and calls on the Russian Federation to immediately abandon its unfounded claims to ownership of this plant,” – stated in the text of the Council resolutionIAEA governors.

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