Thai blogger faces 5 years in prison for mouse soup

14 November 2022
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Thai blogger Phonchanok Srisunaklua decided to indulge herself with a "yummy" and shared a video with her subscribers, but they didn't appreciate it. They got scared and handed over to the police.

The video instantly went viral, but the blogger did not bring the desired popularity. The people still remember too well how the coronavirus pandemic began and perceive such culinary delights very negatively. Even all the assurances of the girl that the boiled bat is delicious, could not convince her subscribers.

Pattarafon Mani-on, head of the wildlife health management team at the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation, said he was shocked by the content.

"In addition to worrying about bat disease, this woman may be guilty of violating the Wildlife Conservation and Protection Act of 2019 because bats are protected animals."

According to some experts, bats carry over 10,000 viruses that simply boiling in soup cannot kill.

Well, the lover of mouse soups was fined 500,000 baht, which is about $13,800, and arrested. The girl faces up to 5 years in prison not only for eating protected mice, but also for publishing a provocative video on Youtube.
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