Arthur Desmond returned from death to prove his innocence (8 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
14 November 2022

Many consider the story of Arthur Desmond to be one of the strongest evidence for the existence of the paranormal activity. This is due not only to the numerous evidence, but also with his tragic fate, which has become a real human drama.

Is there anything sadder than the death of a person? Is it false blaming the deceased for something he did not do. The one who left is no longer will be able to defend his honest name among the living, especially if there are no other witnesses, and he will be remembered in a completely different way than he wanted.

This is exactly what happened to the young Irishman, Arthur Desmond, who was said to be a very brave and capable pilot, possessing the invincible spirit of an aviator.

Arthur Desmond

He was respected during his lifetime, but after a tragic accident in 1913 called the culprit of his own death, considering him "incompetent". BUT everything that happened next defies any logical explanation.

Pilot career

Desmond Lucius Arthur was born March 31, 1884 in Ireland. He is with early childhood was engaged in athletics and showed remarkable talent in study. After graduating from school with honors, the young man could enter any university United Kingdom. However, Desmond loved risk the most, speed and competition.

While still a schoolboy, Arthur won a number of athletics competitions, and after graduation he became a participant in the first car racing in England. But this was not enough for Desmond, he decided soar into the sky.

Arthur Desmond

To do this, Arthur went to the army, because it was the easiest and most the fastest way to learn to fly. He joined the Irish Air Force, based at the Leopardstown airfield, and was assigned to the 5th Battalion Royal Munster Fusiliers. Talented Desmond very fast rose to the rank of lieutenant.

Arthur's colleagues spoke of him as a fan of his work, who was always full of vitality and "knew what to do in any situation." Desmond was an aviator to the core, since more All my life I loved airplanes.


In 1913 Desmond joined the Royal flying corps in Montrose, Scotland. This is where the most skillful and brave pilots who would later continue their service in during the First and Second World Wars.

On Tuesday, May 27, 1913, at about 07:30, Desmond went up to the sky to make another training flight. He was behind steering wheel of a wooden biplane B.E.2.

Biplane B.E.2

Suddenly, the right wing of his plane came off for no reason, and biplane rapidly flew down. Unfortunately, Desmond had neither a single chance to survive, because then the pilots had not yet used parachutes. His biplane crashed near Lunan Bay.

Two days later, at Sleepyhillock Cemetery in Montrose, funeral attended by his friends and relatives. They were devastated, after all, Arthur Desmond is so young, he became the first Irishman who died in a plane crash.


For Scotland, this incident was the first plane crash since fatal, therefore, to clarify all the circumstances A government investigation was launched into the incident.

Lieutenant Arthur Desmond, here he is 29 years old

A few weeks later, the report of the Commission on aviation accident investigation. And what did they conclude? "The accident occurred due to poor-quality repair of a broken spar," - stated in the report.

The commission decided that Arthur was "insufficiently competent in maintenance and repair of their aircraft. "In other words, in their opinion, Desmond incorrectly attached the wing, which was kept on parole.

Ghost of Montrose

I must say that none of Arthur's colleagues agreed with this. report. They tried to protest him, but it was no use. And those Over time, mysterious events began to occur at Montrose Air Force Base. developments.

Flight certificate of Lieutenant Arthur Desmond

Major Cyril was the first to see the ghostly figure.Foggin. "Silhouette of translucent smoke" stood motionless in the rest room, but Foggin did not tell his colleagues anything, because he was afraid that he would be promoted to laughter and he will lose respect.

A few days later, the ghost was immediately noticed by two officers. They are dared to turn to Foggin and tell what had happened. Major admitted that he also saw a mysterious figure, and, in his opinion, she looked like Arthur Desmond.

paranormal activity

Over time, almost all pilots and airfield workers became claim to have seen the ghost of Arthur in the hangars where the planes stood. They were so afraid of him that sometimes they had to cancel flights, as people it was scary to approach the planes, next to which they noticed Desmond.

Montrose Broomfield Airfield in 1914

Later he was called the "Irish Ghost" or "Ghost of Montrose". Many new pilots who did not even know about Arthur soon after arriving at the base, they asked for a transfer and refused to work in night shift, because they also met a ghost.

It wasn't until 1916 that Arthur's close friend, Charles Gray, decided conduct a more detailed investigation into the crash, believing that the appearance of a ghost is associated with the wrong conclusions of the official commissions.

Ghost Mystery

Gray was not a professional pilot, but he was well versed in airplanes. He worked as an aviation journalist and later founded popular weekly magazine "The Airplane". Later Charles even be included in the Royal Aeronautical Society, thereby recognizing it merit in aviation.

Charles went through all the crash reports, talked to witnesses and many experts, after which he came to the conclusion that Desmond was not at fault for the accident.

Arthur Desmond's grave in Sleepyhillock Cemetery

Gray then turned to the top officials to finally restored Arthur's reputation and found those who are really guilty of tragedy.

At the end of 1916, a new report was published in which Arthur Desmond was fully acquitted, and the cause of the accident was given wing damage. Alas, the mechanics who spent poor quality repair never installed.

The ghost has not been seen since. Looks like the pilot got it his and now rest in peace. Although in 1940 and 1942 there were reports of a mysterious biplane in the sky near the airbase Montrose. He appeared and disappeared as if by magic. Who knows maybe be that now the ghost of the Irish pilot continued to do his your favorite thing is to surf the skies?...

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