12 huge places and things in comparison with a person, the size of which will turn the mind (13 photos)

9 November 2022

I suggest you understand the true dimensions of such things in comparison with people. Spoiler alert: a person in our selection sometimes looks like a small speck that you want to scrape off the monitor.

The world's largest wine barrel

Swedish ship Vasa, launched four centuries ago

Grandiose Petra in Jordan

People sit on the clock tower of Abraj al-Bayt in Mecca

Elephant seal versus human

Sculpture "Motherland is calling!" and the people at its foot

Jatayu is a demigod-half-bird from Indian legends.

Jatayu bird in the park of India, the largest bird sculpture in the world

The skeleton of a blue whale in the Museum of London: this is what the 25-meter giant means

Huge baobabs in Madagascar

According to legend, Pierre was a great and very strong warrior, his sword reaches 2.15 meters in length and weighs almost 7 kg.

Sword of the hero of the Frisian legends of the pirate Pierre Gerlofs

One of the Manpupuner mountains in the Komi Republic compared to a man

Just look how gigantic a cactus can be

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