A selection of interesting photos from the series "everything is known in comparison" (12 photos)

7 November 2022

Perhaps you will agree that there is nothing absolute in the world. As Albert Einstein said, everything is relative! Therefore, in full As far as the size and appearance of many things can be estimated only in comparison. We propose to do just that in our new selection. curious comparisons.

The difference between how 0.2 mm and 1.2 mm rods write

Castles are different...

A few more of these leaves and you can make a tent

The thermal camera shows the temperature difference between a normal foot and a foot with an ingrown toenail

My left thumb compared to my fiancee's thumbs

213 cm and 152 cm

American and Russian candies

The same shoes, only one is old and the other is new

Butternut squash, home grown and store bought

242 years of difference in naval technology

Perfect border of wheat field and lavender field

such different twins

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