A selection of videos of damaged equipment of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Part 141

12 February 2023
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A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

The occupier's buns were burnt

Ghost Rider 2: Asvabade Warrior

The destruction of the second Tor-M2DT in the Arctic version was confirmed

Polyot normal

Hit from a combat drone

And Ivan went to war and drowned

Avdeevka. The enemy conducted reconnaissance in force

Bakhmut first person

Bakhmut, the fighting continues

The vigilant military man did not allow anyone to approach him in the trench

Run, quilted jacket, run, maybe a gust of air will extinguish you near Moscow

Orc infantry fighting vehicle hit a mine

In the battle for Bakhmut, our soldiers shot down another enemy plane

The Su-25 attack aircraft destroyed the MANPADS crew of the border unit. When hit by a rocket, the bird began to smoke and began to descend. The plane crashed; our defenders did not see the pilot eject.

Orcs were hiding in an abandoned market in Mariupol, HIMARS came to visit

Got hit in the ass

The Great Offensive of the Rashists near Ugledar completely failed

The Russians are already quite burnt out from this “driving in columns and gathering in groups.” The second army of the world in tactical movements. Continue in the same spirit

The video is old and has only just surfaced on the Internet. Destroying Orc vehicles with the help of Highmars

Instead of running away, the orc decided to heroically fight the tank with grenades

Everyone, sit down, you can drop off your gift.

Tank is on fire

Two orcs shot down by one grenade

Two claps and a Russian tank

Added some light to the tank that came to Ugledar

Documentary film about leopards in the Ukrainian steppes

The drone found them under that tree and ended their orcish lives there

Another Orc Flight Master

Orc wives asked to bring toilet paper with them

Zhytomyr paratroopers neutralized an Orc armored personnel carrier with its crew

Sleigh rides and other orc games in the snow near Ugledar

Beautiful hit

Kremenna Lisichansky district Forests full of Russian equipment

M777 frozen to the ground

Madyar is already sick of the orcs from whom there is no peace, but they didn’t leave without gifts

Msta-S and something else damaged by accurate fire from Ukrainian artillery

Meat waves need deeper trenches

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