A child unknowingly picked up one of the deadliest snakes on Earth (4 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals
31 October 2022

An 11-year-old girl from Australia, walking around the suburbs of Melbourne, I saw a snake in the grass and mistook it for a harmless garden snake. She is decided to make a video to talk about her find, and took the reptile to arms! The girl was very lucky that the snake did not bite her. After all, it was not at all...

“The girl was very lucky that the snake did not bite her,” said local snake catcher Stuart Gatt. The video was sent to him by his grandparents girls. They did not know what kind of snake it was, and they wanted a specialist in reptiles identified her. He recognized it: it turned out to be an oriental brown snake, a highly venomous species responsible for the most deaths from snake bites in Australia. According to the toxicity of the poison, this species ranks second place among all land snakes.

Unfortunately, the child mistook the poisonous reptile for a garter snake. (garden snake) - a harmless species that lives in North America - and decided pick her up.

“Here’s the garden one!” the girl exclaims as a dangerous snake lazily slithers over her fingers.

The eastern brown snake is said to be very "nervous" and contains enough venom to kill 58 people.

"This little girl could actually die from the bite of this snakes,” wrote snake catcher Stewie, who uses this incident as a cautionary tale about the dangers of handling animals without proper knowledge.

"Please, please, you must be careful not to interact with wildlife if you are not trained this. Leave it to the professionals,” he added.

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