This is the Russian mobilization in the second army of the world. Part 38

14 January 2023

A selection of videos from the network, which shows all the nuances of the Russian mobilization of the second army of the world, which throws all its forces into the war and as a result of which the government is unable to help those mobilized people.

Akhmat discuss the fate of the mobilized

Kadyrov’s units heard the armored personnel carrier in the distance and didn’t really want to help.

That same feeling when the bush you shot at answered you

Mobik was sentenced to 5.5 years

Remember Alexander Leshkov, who swore at the officer and showed him where his place was? So, Mobik was sentenced to 5.5 years in a maximum security colony.

Free country. You fight for it and then sit for it. But then he will leave the zone safe and sound.

Mobilization will not help, artillery support is needed

Propaganda is already mentally preparing mobs for black bags

It’s unclear how Vargandonzo ended up with Nightingale’s litter, but what is clear is that this is another wave of panic...

Mobs are whining about positions provided by the command

Frozen water in the trench, no potbelly stoves, nothing to dig with - these are the realities of the modern “second” army of the world

Agents of the Atesh movement have released a visual aid on how to easily earn money on the front line, without risking death in battle

Tested in real conditions among both regular units and PMCs. The scheme is working)

Mothers, wives, sisters - all hope is only for you

Those mobilized from the Novosibirsk region are asking for their situation to be made public.

They say that their superiors are sending them to a dangerous zone at low temperatures, from where it is difficult to return alive.

So why did you come to Ukraine in the first place?

“We have heavy losses,” the Wagnerites confirmed that Soledar had not been taken

A herd of Katsaps to the music “I am Russian” and How delightful the evenings are in Russia from the Omsk region sent to die for Putin

Tactics used by Wagnerian zombies to fight

Ukrainians are paying a terrible price for their existence in the fight against Russian bio-waste

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