A selection of videos with prisoners and those killed in Ukraine. Issue 26

Category: Prisoners, PEGI 18
10 October 2022
The post contains material for an audience over 18 years of age. Please make sure that you really want to see this and that you are over 18 years old.

A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions catch or kill invaders. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet. Not recommended for viewing by faint of heart people.

Here are the first smart military of the Russian Federation - they surrender en masse

The creepy Nazis and Banderaites gave the captured occupier some shawarma to eat, I felt sorry for the guy

This is torture from the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and jokes aside, this is what humanity looks like...

I could have continued to steam in the bathhouse on weekends, but I decided to become an occupier and fight for Putin

Portion of fresh prisoners

I have minus eight vision and tuberculosis

another prisoner of the second army of the world in Ukrainian captivity

The Vankas never end

Second army with nano-developments in a black package

Orcs lie on the ground instead of fighting

Why are you lying down, let's get up

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