A selection of videos with prisoners and those killed in Ukraine. Issue 19

Category: Prisoners, PEGI 18
22 September 2022
The post contains material for an audience over 18 years of age. Please make sure that you really want to see this and that you are over 18 years old.

A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions catch or kill invaders. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet. Not recommended for viewing by faint of heart people.

And here is one of the first prisoners captured

In the Kharkov direction, the occupiers lost their heads

But they said, don't come here!

The orcs thought they were going fishing

Ripping the heads off these orcs

Another express train to hell has gone

The first shots after the prisoner exchange

The exchange took place in the Chernigov region.

The first seconds after the exchange

Prisoners only dirty the car

Ukrainian soldiers provided first aid to a wounded occupier during the fighting

And this is the best thing that could happen to him in Ukraine... It’s better to immediately surrender and save your life!

Chechens with further losses

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