A selection of videos of damaged equipment of the russian federation in Ukraine. Release 97

26 October 2022
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A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

Getting into the occupiers booking office

Penetrated an enemy armored personnel carrier

We probed the tower with a HEDP grenade

We probed the bush with a high-precision 155-mm projectile for smoke and pops.

Checked for 200s

They probed an occupier who had gone to the toilet

RG-1 "Porshen" - Ukrainian self-loading 30-mm grenade launcher for Vog-17

Republic of Belarus, s-300

Russian Railways, Ekaterinburg region. 38 T-62 tanks that are a shame to take even as trophies

S-300 tests the situation

To say scary is to say nothing. But it's the best job in the world

The sniper missed

2 million dollars burned

Trophy, Kherson region

A Russian tank's armor shattered near Soledar

Ukrainian gods of war

They know how to breakdance when necessary

Killed an enemy tank

Phenomenal full salvo of the Ukrainian BM-30 Smerch battery

Photographer with his camera

Kherson region, situation

Kherson direction

Kherson direction, active work is underway

This Ural won't go anywhere else

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