A vinaigrette of historical footage from past years. Issue 145

Funny photos, interesting events and people who made history - all this is in the new selection.

"Lion Man." Stefan Bibrowski was born in 1891 and suffered from hypertrichosis - increased hair growth. He was spotted by a freak show owner in Europe and bought from his parents at age 4. Since then, he has traveled all over the world, performing in various shows and earning good money. Stefan was a very smart and educated man, he spoke five languages. According to rumors, he adored his external feature, declaring that he owed it everything he saw and achieved in life.

The destroyed wall of the Empire State Building after a B-25 Mitchell bomber crashed into it. USA, July 28, 1945.

American B-25 bombers fly past the erupting volcano Vesuvius. Italy, March 1944

American actress and model Sharon Tate at a photo shoot, USA, 1960

Bucharest, Romania, overthrow of the Ceausescu regime. December 22, 1989.

A visual demonstration of the changes caused by cholera, 1817.

1910. USA. A sailor takes pictures with his cats, who always go sailing with him

23-year-old Italian circus performer Maria Spelterina walked a tightrope over Niagara Falls in 11 minutes, then returned back in 10 minutes, moving backwards. 1876

The absolute Guinness record for childbearing belongs to a peasant woman who lived as much as 200 years ago. The wife of Fyodor Vasiliev gave birth to 69 children in 27 births. Sixteen times she gave birth to twins, seven times to triplets, and four times to four children.

Tolmachevo — one of two passenger airports in Novosibirsk in 1957

Actresses protest the use of corsets in performances, New York, 1946.

1917. USA. Brewster armor protection for snipers during the First World War

Balance on the edge of a 20-story building, New York, 1900.

Head of Health and Safety Clifford Roberts acts as a model during a fire training course for hospital staff, Richmond, 1965.

Inflation in Germany in 1923 led to the fact that one American dollar was worth 4.7 trillion (4 700000000000) German marks.

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