A vinaigrette of historical footage from past years. Issue 142

Funny photos, interesting events and people who made history - all this is in the new selection.

Service on board the Tu-114 passenger aircraft — the largest passenger airliner in the world at that time. 1960s

Model and fitness trainer Betty Brosmer at a photo shoot, 1950, USA

Photograph of the French illusionist Henri Robin with a “ghost” using double exposure technique, 1863.

Motorcycle chariot racing in Australia, 1936.

There used to be a wheat field in the heart of Manhattan. 1982

Belly dancer on the London Underground, 1968.

Collapse of the Tasman Bridge. Australia, 1975.

Native American women, 1970s.

The audience's reaction to the scene from the film "Alien" (1979), when the monster bursts out of the chest.

Train crash at Paris Montparnasse station, October 22, 1895.

Arnold Schwarzenegger during an outdoor workout. California, 1970s.

Treatment of back pain with the help of a bear, Romania, 1946.

Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna working as a nurse in a hospital in Tsarskoe Selo. 1916

Sleeping NASA astronauts, MTSC Challenger. 1983

Pablo Escobar at the opening ceremony of a football field built at his expense, 1982.

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