The nuns lit it up by dancing with a skipping rope

14 October 2020

The nuns of the Sredneuralsky monastery - the same one where schema-abbot Sergius (Nikolai Romanov) came into conflict with the church authorities - it turns out that they not only pray, but also dance.

A video has appeared on the Internet in which nuns of the Sredneuralsk monastery dance to folklore melodies and songs of the war years. But the “acrobatic sketches” with a skipping rope, performed by one novice, aroused particular interest among Internet users. One can only envy her grace and flexibility!

The dance performance of the nuns of the monastery, as reported in the media, was dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War. Of course, the novices were a little late and the official celebrations had long been over by this time, but who can blame them?!
The nuns lit it up by dancing with a skipping rope

“Broadcasts game, scared the nuns”: the Russian Orthodox Church commented on the antics of Father Sergius

The Sredneuralsky monastery, where these nuns live, became famous thanks to its abbot, Father Sergius, who went into confrontation with the “superiors” and is not going to relinquish his powers.

At the height of the pandemic, Father Sergius protested against the closure of churches and denied the presence of coronavirus. The Ekaterinburg diocese first deprived the dissident of the right to preach, but the schema-abbot did not listen to his superiors and continued to speak on YouTube, for which he was banned from ministry.

Poklonskaya's former confessor seized the convent and deployed Cossack guards

But Father Sergius did not want to admit defeat. He placed a guard of Cossacks around the perimeter of the monastery. On July 3, the church court decided to depose Sergius, and on September 10 he was excommunicated. Later, on October 6, the Investigative Committee for the Sverdlovsk Region opened a criminal case into the torture of children on the territory of the monastery. Despite the strange things going on in the monastery, the ex-schemamonk remained with devoted novices who fully support him and are ready to follow him through water or fire.

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15 October 2020
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