When the girl and her dog entered the field, the audience forgot about the sports show
Experienced trainers know how to teach their pet to perform tricks that the average person would definitely classify as science fiction. Unfortunately, such masters rarely perform in front of ordinary audiences. Their destiny is specialized exhibitions and circus performances. Fortunately, the art of the fragile girl Samantha is accessible to a much larger circle of people. She occasionally performs with her pets during breaks in sports matches, and every time after this little show ends, the audience is reluctant to return to football or basketball. It takes a lot of skill to attract the attention of people who have come to watch a completely different spectacle. This recording serves as the best proof that the girl and her dogs have something to amaze even the most distracted crowd!
Judging by the behavior of the nimble, furry baby, he really likes such games. The dog seems ready to chase plastic discs day and night, making figure eights across the field. But Samantha has several such cheerful pets! I can imagine how strong the bonds of love and respect bind the owner and her skillful pets. Training is training, and you can’t do it without sincere heartfelt affection. Just look at how wildly the girl’s dogs are wagging their tails!