She took the sign with the inscription from the blind man and corrected it

17 April 2018

A homeless, blind tramp sat on the cold stones and begged for alms. Passers-by were in no particular hurry to help the poor fellow, they only cast one or two empty glances in his direction and moved on. The unfortunate man's entire catch for half a day amounted to only a few measly coins. Most likely, the cripple would have faced another hungry evening if a stranger had not stopped in front of him.

Taking out a marker from her bosom, the girl took the homeless man’s sign and in a minute scribbled a new inscription on it. After this, a whole stream of money, albeit small ones, fell on the blind man who did not believe his luck.

Now every passerby, looking at the unfortunate man for a second, immediately took out a wallet for donation. When the stranger appeared in front of the tramp again, he could not stand it and asked the girl what she had done with his sign. “I wrote the same thing, but in different words,” she replied.

It would seem that the difference between the phrases “I am blind, please help” and “Today is beautiful, but I can’t see it” is small. And how much benefit the new inscription brought to the poor blind man! This instructive story shows perfectly that the power of words cannot be underestimated.

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18 April 2018
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