Photos that will restore your faith in humanity (32 photos)

1 March 2018

It's not all bad. Sometimes we just forget how wonderful life is. Sometimes you just need to abstract yourself from everyday problems and relax a little. The photographs in this collection will undoubtedly make you smile, maybe even make you cry. Doing a good deed is not at all difficult; everyone can make this world a little better.

This man travels hours every day to bring water to wild animals in Kenya.

“Every morning my father lays out the birdseed in such a way that my mother wakes up and sees this picture.”

This is Anthony Borges, he is 15 years old. He took 5 bullets while saving classmates from death during the Florida shooting on February 14

Every evening Brian, a pensioner from Dublin, cooks 50 portions of curry for the homeless.

Firefighters from Arizona, USA, extinguish a fire in Mexico

Every Barbadian who reaches their 100th birthday receives a postage stamp in their honor.

A nurse prepares to lean in to hug her former patient who was paralyzed...

"I was reading in a coffee shop when I saw this guy looking for veterinary help for an injured sparrow."

Man helping a stranger tie a tie

“Life gave me a gift - you”: the 4-year-old son of a Marine burst into tears when he heard these words from his new mother

A runner drags a heatstroke-stricken opponent to the finish line

The moment the girl found out she was adopted

The bride was led to the altar by the man who received the heart of her dead father.

During the rain, a guy covered someone else's car with a film with an open window.

The policeman who saved a girl 18 years ago came to her graduation

This grandma goes to the supermarket to read books, and they put a sofa especially for her.

The horse gave the birds a treat

An elderly man suffered a heart attack while cleaning his front walkway. Paramedics took him to the hospital and returned to clear the snow.

Man let stranger with cerebral palsy hold his hand on bus

The girl visited a 112-year-old woman who had not had a single visitor for 3 years

A Syrian refugee distributes food to the homeless in a German city

People save a man who tried to commit suicide

Son takes care of elderly mother

So that no one stumbles

A woman sewed up a torn seat in a minibus

A Kenyan woman recognized her childhood friend as a homeless drug addict and helped him return to normal life.

5-year-old boy helps street cats

Christmas tree with gifts for those in need

This Atlanta retiree has been nursing babies in the pediatric intensive care unit for 12 years.

Every evening, cafe workers leave burritos for the homeless.

Caring brother

In 1998, he saved her life, and in 2016 he came to her graduation

Waiter feeding disabled woman

A professor nurses his student's baby

A girl donated her hair to make a wig for a sick child.

Аня Морозова
Аня Морозова
3 March 2018
Я чуть не расплакалась
3 March 2018
Добра больше и оно победит!
Нина. Гомель
Нина. Гомель
4 March 2018
Если бы вот так каждый делал хоть чуточку добра кому-то другому и тогда мир точно станет намного лучше. ЛЮДИ, ДАВАЙТЕ БУДЕМ ДОБРЕЕ!!!
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