Naked and scary cats (30 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
6 November 2017

There are so many different ones - you can’t count them. Therefore, we want to highlight some of them based on one characteristic - naked and scary. Or maybe not scary, but on the contrary - wonderful, wonderful, because there are more and more fans of them, which means someone really likes them.

Cats of the Bambino breed (child, child). This funny creature is the result of crossing munchkins and Canadian sphinxes - a distinctive feature is short legs, increased playfulness.

Don Sphynx - the history of the appearance of this breed is interesting.

In 1986, a resident of Rostov-on-Don took away a kitten from the boys, which they were torturing. The kitten, a young female cat, partially lost her hair, and later, when she gave birth, one of the kittens turned out to be completely naked. Several years of selection work yielded results - the Don Sphynx breed appeared, which gained popularity all over the world. Cats are distinguished by their gentle disposition, playfulness and love.

The Canadian Sphynx appeared in 1966. Then the owners also had a completely naked kitten and they began breeding a breed distinguished by large ears, folded skin, crooked legs and a sweet character.

This breed is considered one of the most devoted owners - following them on the mortars, at any moment they strive to jump on their laps and play, the little ones cannot be left alone - they begin to feel sad and depressed.

Ukrainian Levkoy is the only cat breed bred in Ukraine. You can’t confuse her with any other - especially the curled/hanging ears, the expression of her muzzle -

The head of the Ukrainian Levkoy is long and angular with a flat skull and low forehead. The eyes are almond-shaped, not open too wide.

Petersburg Sphynx or Peterbald. These cats are very similar in appearance to ordinary Oriental cats, which do not have hair.

The breed was developed by crossing the Don Sphynx and an Oriental cat. Their head is elongated and narrow, their body is slender, their paws are long and neat. The large, beautiful almond-shaped eyes really stand out. Friendly in nature, inquisitive, playful and intelligent cats.

Elf. Elf cats are distinguished by the tips of their ears curling towards the back of the head.

Bred as a result of mating an American Curl and a Sphynx. Interestingly, the elf breed still remains unrecognized.

Hawaiian Hairless or Cojona. Outwardly, they are very similar to the Don Sphynx, but nevertheless, this is a separate branch of “hairless” cats - bred in Hawaii.

The Cojona is the world's only true breed of hairless cat - their skin feels like wax and has absolutely perfect hair follicles.

Breeds that have short (sometimes partial) hair, but are often mistaken for being "hairless" due to their huge ears, elongated body, large eyes, and partially hairless areas of the body. Devon Rex - a cat with curly hair

Cats of this breed are often called elves or aliens because of their unusual appearance.

With an unprofessional eye, it is very difficult to distinguish the Devon Rex breed from another one - the Cornish Rex.

The main difference, according to experts, is that the curls on the coat of the Devon Rex have no genetic relationship with the curly coat of the Cornish Rex. Due to different genes responsible for the appearance of curly hair, Devon Rexes have a guard coat, a base coat and an undercoat, that is, all three types of coat, while Cornish Rex cats lack guard hairs. Root Rexes also have significantly smaller ears and a more elongated and flexible body.

Lykoi (catwolf) - werecats. They have receding patches on the nose, around the eyes, on the ears and muzzle, and are covered with sparse black-gray hair, through which folds of thin skin are visible here and there.

And a small gallery of photos of all these handsome guys



1 comment
6 November 2017
Супер. У меня живёт такой толстый(потому что любимый)канадский сфинкс Бакстер.Очень дружелюбный и послушный.
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