A man noticed something foreign in a shark's mouth... He immediately pulled it out to help!

5 June 2017

This video was posted online by two brothers. They were relaxing on the beach in Destin, Florida, USA. At one point, they saw a large dark spot in the water - it was a hammerhead shark. Upon closer inspection, the men realized that the fish was behaving strangely: it seemed like it didn’t know where to swim, it was barely moving. One of the brothers decided to come closer.

In the comments to the video, the author wrote: “We saw that the shark had several large fishing hooks stuck in its mouth. In addition, a steel fishing leash was wrapped around its neck. My brother and several people from the beach together were able to remove the hooks and save the dying shark. After that, my brother pulled the shark into the deep water and made sure that it swam away safely and did not hurt itself or people. You can hear people screaming around. But that’s only because not everyone immediately understood what my brother wanted to do. As soon as they figured out the situation, they immediately began to help him.”

The unfortunate fish was lucky to have washed up on this particular beach. Not everyone would dare to do that.

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