Illegal trade in Moscow in the 21st century (4 photos)

3 January 2017

If anyone is not yet aware, from the new year a new type of cash register will be introduced in Russia, which will send data about each transaction completed to special data storage centers and from there to the tax office. Through secure channels, via the Internet. To hell with the fact that new devices have just recently been introduced, that the implementation will cost a lot of money, which will one way or another go out of our pockets. The goal is good! Eliminate illegal trade. Take into account every ruble and take tax from it. Then we'll live.

Recently I had to travel around Moscow during the day, which I haven’t done for a long time. Imagine my surprise when such greetings from the 90s began to come across my field of vision.

On the approaches to Moscow.

On the Moscow Ring Road

On ordinary streets.

I don’t know about the Garden Ring, but I’ve counted enough similar points on the Third Transport Ring.

With the onset of dusk, sellers decorated the eggplants with LED lighting to make them more visible. Beautiful, impressive!

To be honest, I stopped. I asked the price. price -150 rubles per eggplant. Basically average for Moscow. When asked about the documents, the seller immediately forgot his Russian language and climbed back into the car. Well, by the look of him, you can believe that in Russian he only knows “stofisyat” and “no not vanyait.” With a Kalash and an arafat he would look more harmonious than in a seven-piece with an anti-freeze jacket....

“Where are the police looking?” I thought... And ten minutes later I saw where. Two policemen were busily loading anti-freeze bottles into the trunk of a company car at the next point. No, it looked the least like confiscation)).

I understand that Stsobyanin is very busy right now. Holidays, we need money, so another 200+ streets will quickly become toll roads...

I would like to ask Medvedev, Dmitry Anatolich, who else should we rename the police to? "Police" didn't really work.

3 January 2017
2 169 comments
Как совок не переименовывай, он так и останется совком! Так что москалики смиритесь big_smile1
4 January 2017
у нас в Волгоградской обл. эта "незамерзайка" уже года 2 продаётся.Она так себе,-10 ещё держит,дальше замерзает.Кстати,в -20 этих продавцов не видать)так как товар на улице,то он замерзает)))
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