Trip to the Chernobyl zone (32 photos)

1 April 2008

We leave the city of Chernobyl and head to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and then to Pripyat. But first, a small detour to the right, towards Slavutich. Slavutich is a city built in 1986-1986, 50 km east of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant for nuclear power plant workers and their families, as well as immigrants from the city of Pripyat. The city is connected to the nuclear power plant by train and bus.

Road bridge to Slavutich over the Pripyat River

Pripyat River, view towards the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. The station buildings are visible above the forest - on the left. Behind me is a view of the backwater with rusting ships and the city of Chernobyl

On the left is the fourth power unit, in the center are the unfinished 5-6, on the right is the unfinished cooling tower

We return back to the highway and approach the next checkpoint: here is the entrance to the 10-kilometer section around the nuclear power plant. Security only checked the number of people on the bus with the number on the list.

The former village of Kopachi. After the accident, it was literally buried underground - it was heavily contaminated

Familiar yellow triangles on the site of former houses

The village (if you move towards the nuclear power plant) is on the right, and if you look to the left, then above the forest you can see the outlines of the Chernobyl-2 facility, officially the over-the-horizon radar station "Duga". This is part of the anti-missile and anti-space defense system of the air defense forces. After the accident at the nuclear power plant, the station was closed.

Entry sign

Electric forest - a complex of nuclear power plant substations

ISF is a storage facility for spent nuclear fuel. The future fate of the Chernobyl zone is a pan-European nuclear waste dump.

Unfinished cooling towers (a cooling tower is a device for cooling recirculating water, in which water is cooled by partial evaporation in the air) and a railway bridge

Complex of reactors 5 and 6 (third stage). Unfinished 5th and 6th power units of the Chernobyl NPP named after. Lenin, which were never put into operation. The fifth unit was planned to be commissioned in 1987, and the sixth in 1989. After the accident, work was frozen and then completely canceled.

General view of the nuclear power plant

Unit 4

The pipe in the center is the start-up and reserve boiler room, in the foreground is the administrative building of the nuclear power plant

The dosimeter, with a constant squeak changing into different tones, provided a musical background

Monument "Prometheus" on the territory of the nuclear power plant

Observation deck at the 4th power unit of the nuclear power plant

The monument was erected in 2006 in memory of the fallen liquidators.

View of the nuclear power plant from the bridge leading to Pripyat

The railway line on the right leads to the territory of the nuclear power plant. Before the accident, regular long-distance trains ran along the left tracks, Chernigov-Zhitomir, for example, as well as Moscow-Khmelnitsky, whose passengers on April 26, 1986 were given a “Chernobyl” certificate in exchange for tickets.

The Yanov railway station is located almost between Pripyat and the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. If I understood correctly it was the Pripyat railway station.

1 April 2008
1 015 comments
пассажирам которого 26 апреля 1986 года в обмен на билеты выдавали удостоверение "чернобыльца".
На сколько мне известно информация о какой либо аварии на ЧАЕС тчательно скрывалась до 2 мая,так что врядли кто то кому то что то выдавал.А вообще познавательно.
1 April 2008
Дружище, ты прав - даже хуже: только в начале 90-х первые несколько тысяч ликвидаторов (не жителей) получили особый статус, и только с 1992 года (если память не изменяет) статус, приравненный к инвалидскому и ветеранскому (по разным привелегиям - по-разному) стали давать жителям отселенных регионов.
Так что в тексте чистый гон. Автор явно молодой, школьник какой-то. Что сказали - в то и поверил, а походу явно чуток подзабыл, что и как ему рассказали :) Там лимит с 16 лет в этой экскурсии, кажется, так что даже писуюн мог бы попасть в Славутич. Не будем винить молодежь :)
16 March 2012
6 245 comments
мдя...а трубу-то будут срезать в этом году...бедные те чуваки которые туда полезут(
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